Chapter 24

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Taehyung woke up dizzy and lightheaded, but that wasn't uncommon for him to experience. He's used to it, he had been sick countless times in the past which no one attended to him.

Everytime he's down with fever, his father will left him alone until he recovers by himself. Sometimes he would asked himself if he's Joon Gi's favourite son as what both his elder siblings assumed.

Mhm, I'm in Jungkook's room?  He called out for anyone; Seokjin, Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok but no one responded.

He sighed and slowly got up, grumbling and complaining to himself as he did so. He stumbled towards the bathroom sink taking a few small sips of.

Then he looked into the mirror. He was quite shock when he's naked wearing only boxers but he can't be bothered so he shuffled back towards the bed, his head was still spinning and if anything, he felt worse.

Despite feeling foggy, he still needs help. So he decided to look for Seokjin. Taehyung tiptoes his way until he halted his steps at the corner next to the couple's room when he saw Hoseok terrible condition walks inside the couple's room.

"Our headquarters in south area is under attack by an unknown gangs. Yoongi and Kai went over to take control, but—"

"So? What happened to them and why Kai? I don't exactly remember allowing him to assist Yoongi before. I trust your men, and that is Jackson."

"I can't reach Jackson, he's not around since yesterday—"

"Wait, what's going on now? What happened to Yoonie?"

"Car accident. Jong Suk called me earlier, they both saw the scene. He and Jungkook on their way to seoul national hospital by now."


Taehyung heard the whole unfortunate event from outside. Strangely he's not as thrilled as he ought to be. He knew this was all planned by his father.

Stupid. Stupid! Stupid! Why did this happens!?  He said to himself and turns back to the room.

I should call father and find out what's his plan! I need to leave and return to Japan as soon as possible but my passport is missing!! What should I do now?

He turns one round and his gaze stops at the nightstand. Aha! Jungkook's helmet!  He put on Jungkook's black t-shirt and black pants then he grabbed the helmet along with the keys and got out of the room.

He needs to be fast before everyone started to look for him. He was about to revs the bike's engine when a sudden pain hits his brain.

Taehyung knew he's not fully recovered but he's determined to get some air before going to the hospital.

He 'tap tap'  the helmet in an attempt to send a signal to his brain to be okay, once his blurry vision clears, he rode out Jungkook's black suzuki hayabusa in full speed.

Of course he wishes he won't passed out in the middle of riding a bike.

Of course he wishes he won't passed out in the middle of riding a bike

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Taehyung POV's

I ride way past the speed limit as I rushed to seoul national hospital, miraculously I didn't met with an accident or crush into trucks. But even if I do, no one will care or cry for me.

I shuddered in disgust and wrapped my arms tightly around my torso as I felt my body beginning to tremble with utter repulsion.

"Crap..." I muttered as I removed the helmet and slowly make my way to the receptionist area. My eyes were bloodshot I guess because the reception nurse glaring at me jungshook.

"Breath.. just breathe..." I clear my throat and asked the receptionist details of Jeon Yoongi. She told me the location and I left quickly.

The moment I marched inside the intensive care unit waiting areas, my eyes locked with Jungkook's as I didn't see Hoseok. Before I could say my apologies, he scoffed and curse me.

"Fuck. Why are you here!?"

"Mhm, h- how is he? Can I see Yoongi?" I whispered in a panicked voice. But he came forward, so close that I nearly jumped out of my skin!

I could feel his gripped on my wrists and for a second it felt like my hands might just rip off if I were to dare to step back. "L- let me go, it hurts!"

"You are so pathetic. I asked you a QUESTION!" Jungkook roared out without restraint.

"I know, I'm in trouble now, aren't I?"
I asked like a child who'd misbehaved. "Let me see Yoongi for a while then I'll leave!"

"No." He replied coldly. "You won't go anywhere. Don't think you can escaped after what you've done to Yoongi!"

"I swear it's not me!" I shouted back.

"Fuck you! I regret saving you from death!"

"Fuck you! I regret saving you from death!"

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