Chapter 48

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unedited. thank you sweethearts for all the support for this story so far! i'm blown away! anyways, this chapter written with Jungkook's and Taehyung's POV's🥺

The brain surgery lasted 11 and a half hours. The whole team are glad their patient came through the surgery with flying colors;

They woke him up for a short while to test his thinking and speaking ability.

"Taehyung, how many numbers do you see?" The surgeon put up seven fingers.

Taehyung eyelids hazily look to the left and right before his gaze drifted up to the ceiling and over to the neurosurgeons finger,

“Uh… s-- se.." he stammered after a while, “…sev.. ven...”

Taehyung looked as if he was trying to force his brain to work, like someone with a sore throat who bears down to swallow.

"Yes you are right, my dear. It's seven. Okay, now don't think too much, you can go back to sleep, bear." said the sweet surgeon and Taehyung immediately fall back unconscious.

"Okay, we're done here, we saved another life," he announced. "Let's get him up to recovery ward, I gotta meet his family to update about his leg muscles,"

The surgical team swiftly moved him to high dependacy ward to monitor him very closely for the next few hours to see how things are going although his heart rate was stable, his blood pressure too, and his oxygen saturation was 100% with proper ventilation.

In short, Taehyung's perfectly fine. The surgery of removing of access fluids in his brain successfully done.

Unfortunately, a small slightest movements during the operation hits one of the brain nerves connected to our leg muscles, in which it causes a temporary lost movements.

Jungkook's heart almost stopped beating, his heavy legs refused to stand he felt weak but he's holding on to Namjoon's arms as he held back a sob,

"How... how long it takes for Taehyung to recover?"

"In my experience, it may takes weeks or months, however, physical therapy, social and emotional support can help improve the quality of life. Do not pressure him or triggered anything that could upset him,"

"Okay, we will take note of that. Thank you for taking such good care of our little bear." Namjoon said as he reached out to shake the surgeons hand and he bowed politely as well.

Jimin already burst into tears and Yoongi joined him, unable to help it. Seokjin embraced the pair, joining in with their crying fest.

Once again it felt like their heart had been torn in two. Would the emotional exhaustion and pain ever stop?

 Would the emotional exhaustion and pain ever stop?

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Jungkook POV's

4 days later, in the evening ~

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