Chapter 34

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It has been one week since Jungkook passed away, he didn't survived from the shot.

The ceremony were planned and it's time for his funeral. The moment Taehyung entered the church, he saw the Jeons family and their assistants who are part of the family, all are presence.

After some long minutes in which the priest said such wonderful things about his lover and almost husband, it was his time to speak.

He can't believe he found himself in this situation. Taehyung stood up with wobbling legs, Jimin noticed and quickly rushes next to him. Jimin tiny fingers holding on to Taehyung's arms and they make their way to the podium, and facing an expectant crowd.

His shaky fingers grip tight the microphones, and with heavy heart, he spoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we're here.. to say one last goodbye.. to Je- Jeon Jung.. kook. But after saying farewell, I've got something that needs to come out. The first day we met, I was spying... on the Jeons,"

A gasp of surprised and a sudden loud intake of breath filled the room, some already standing bolt upright to attack him, but a silence signal from Jong Suk and Jackson and Hoseok enough to make them back down.

"As I said, I came with purpose. But halfway.. I abandoned my mission because... b-because I ended up falling for his charms,"

The memories were coming back. He bit back his cries as he continued to deep breath in and out. 

"You know what the wonderful part is? We forgive and then we made a love confession. We.. promise to protect each other. It was.. wonderful. They say he was merciless. To me, he was actually kind, protective, sweet. Well, he was all we could want in a man."

He knew everyone were staring at him but he can't be bothered anymore. Taehyung turned and walked closer to the coffin. His dead lover pale features can faintly be seen under the casket's glass panel.

Taehyung removed the glass panel gently. He watched Jungkook's face carefully, looking for any sign that he might be waking up. He longed to see his beautiful sparkly eyes that stare right into his soul.

"You're mine. I'm here because of your existence, Jungkook. I live for no other reason. You got that?" He told him soothingly, hoping that Jungkook could somehow hear him.

Taking Jungkook's hand onto his and pressed a kiss to the back of his hand, "I love you Jungkook. And even from where you are, you will still be in my heart. I love you so much, I love—"

Taehyung chokes and suddenly feeling very weak. His hand went to his mouth and when he pulled away, he saw that his fingers were stained red.

"S--see you s-soon," he stammered, his legs gave out from under him and he crashed to the ground, his head colliding painfully with the floor. Now he could feel the pain.

Jimin and Seokjin couldn't stop the scream that tore from their throat. Everyone looking distraught and worried.

They felt sick when they saw a small bottle drops out from Taehyung's pocket. Poison. He took poison as an easy way to end his life.

This couldn't be happening. Not to him. Not their Taehyung. "I- I cant lose him! My Taehyung, please!"

Namjoon shook his head and pulled Taehyung into his arms as he lost it. He used his shirt sleeve to gently wipe the dripping blood from Taehyung's mouth, but its no used as Taehyung cough out more blood.

Tears ran freely from his eyes and sobs wracked his body when Taehyung's body went slack in his arms, and his eyes staring at nothing. "Tae? Taehyung!"

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