Chapter 5

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Yoongi was passing by the guestroom and of course, he heard the thud sound falling to the ground in the bathroom. — "Hey, what's goin' on in there?" Yoongi knocks on the door and called from outside as he pressed his ear to the door, listening intently.

"H-help, I fell..." The other person call out timidly.

Sounds like Taehyung. " Taehyung? Are you alright in there?" He asked suddenly worried. Well won't you be worried if you heard someone fell?

"Y-yeah, n-no I'm not..."

Yoongi sighed. "Are you cover up? You're not naked aren't you?"

"Yes.. uhh no... I'm covered,"

Without another word, Yoongi burst in. He was shocked to see Taehyung sprawling on the cold floor with his forehead bleeding, "What happened?" He demanded.

"Someone decided to prank on me I guess..." Taehyung mumbled with eyes close.

Yoongi bent down to check the wound, just as he suspected it's a deep cut there. He carried Taehyung bridal style and put him on the bed. "Stay still, I'll come back."

When Yoongi came back with Jimin who was shocked to see the boy condition, he quickly clean off the dried blood and tape a medium size waterproof band-aid before slowly pressing the ice pack on Taehyung's bruise forehead.

Taehyung sighed shakily, not liking the sudden cold sent up his spine. Jimin muttered a low sorry when he noticed Taehyung flinched but the other saying it's okay and he say thanks to both of them for 'kind of'  saving him.

Suddenly, a fuming Jungkook barge in straight to their bedside and snatched the ice-pack from Jimin's hand. "Why are you guys helping him? He don't need anyones help. You brat, do it yourself!" He harshly smashed the ice pack onto Taehyung's chest.

"Jungkook!" Yoongi knew why the younger reacted that way but not to this extend, including the pranks. Meanwhile Taehyung is not the one to not follow orders, he immediately did as he was told. He grab the ice-pack and held it on to his swollen wound.

"Taetae, is your chest hurts?!" Jimin asked slightly loud.

"Ahh no Jimin but my eyes hurts so much looking at him," Taehyung said and pointing to Jungkook.

"I suggest before I poke your eyeballs out, you better leave this house as soon as possi—"

"Tae?!" Namjoon came in rush and moving closer to get a better look at Taehyung's wound. Upon getting closer, he realized that the boy looking very pale. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Appa, not you too? Why are you guys so concerned about him?!" Jungkook internally growled, obviously his plan doesn't work.

"Jungkook, I'm not defending him so don't give me that look. You see yourself, he's hurt-"

"Namjoon ssi, I'm fine." Taehyung cuts him off as he leaned his body forward, ignoring the pain in his neck and back to show that his body is fully functioning with no pain.

"I- I will leave once I'm feeling okay, but right now I felt dizzy and my head felt so heavy," Taehyung pouted. One of his tricks to make someone felt sympathize towards him, well it works.

"Don't worry, Taehyung. Listen, you may stay as long as you like." Namjoon said as he takes out a small bottle of painkillers and put it on top of bedside drawer.

"Here, Seokjin brought pills for you from the pharmacy before we came back. He was.. so worried. Make sure to take one only when you're in pain-"

"Oh Lord stop babying him, he's not a child!" Jungkook eyes rolled back.

"Thank you Namjoon ssi. Don't worry, I can take care of myself,"

Namjoon smiles to himself. He gave a clear instructions to his sons to look after Taehyung until he and Seokjin comes back from their vacation which is planned weeks back. - He even thought of delaying it but Seokjin decided to go ahead, he knows Taehyung is capable of being independent. So they will leave the very next hour.

Taehyung eyes widened when he realizes something. Both Namjoon and Seokjin is leaving but for how long? "When will-" He asked but Namjoon is already on his feet to leave. Yoongi and Jimin also left right after.

When Taehyung turns his gaze to Jungkook and the male already staring at him, Taehyung just smiled, pretends not to be fazed or fear of the cold hearted male.

Before Jungkook left, he went forward and grabbed Taehyung's chin and whispered something into his ear.

"You're just a boy soon meets the evil! So, smile while you can. Because I will wrecked you up until you're miserable enough to smile like this!"

Jungkook's words seriously left Taehyung feeling shocked and shivered involuntarily at how his voice made his whole body tingle;

How can a cold hearted men like Jungkook smells so good?! And what he means by wrecking me up?! F*ck!!  Taehyung grunted pushing away the horrible thoughts.

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