Thirteen-You Are In Grave Danger

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You Are In Grave Danger

My first week at Alexander Hamilton High had come to an end and Alex had somehow worked her magic on my mom.

"Anya and I have a school project for AP Physics, and I was wondering if she could stay the night at my house so that we can work on it."

"I'm sorry Alex, but Anya is still very much grounded."

"I have been really failing in Physics and all the tutors don't seem to be helping, but when Anya broke it down for me, it was like I could finally get it a little."

"Well couldn't you work on it here?"

"We could but my dad wants to meet her and he made this big extravagant dinner."

"Can I talk to you father?"

"Yeah sure."

Alex took out her phone and dialed his number. "Hey dad Ms. Little wants to speak to you."

"Hi, I'm Lucy, Anya's mother. I just wanted to confirm what Alex is saying is true that you wanted Anya to come over for dinner."

We couldn't really make out what he was saying on the other end, but it obviously was convincing because my mom replied with, "Well please make sure that she stays put because she is not allowed to go anywhere anytime soon. She is grounded until further notice. Alright thank you bye bye."

My mom handed Alex back her phone and then stated, "You still need to come to the hospital tomorrow at noon and not 12:01 but exactly 12 sharp. Am I clear?"


When we got in the car, Alex said, "I told you it would be easy peasy."

"Yeah, I didn't think you were going to pull that one off but how are you going to get your dad to let me go out to the pier?"

"Oh, my dad is major cool. He's always far too busy to even care about my whereabouts so he definitely won't care about yours."

"I hope you're right."

Alex chuckled. "Wait until you meet him. You'll see."

When we arrived at her home, I could feel my bottom lip dropping in awe. The house or rather castle looked like something out of Disney. From the gate I could only make out the top part of the home, but it looked extravagant.

As we came up to the gate with a security booth to boot, Alex said to the security guard, "How's it hanging, Sylvester?"

He happened to look like a Sylvester with his muscular arms bulging out of his tight black t-shirt. He looked like after this he might be going to be a stunt double in a Terminator movie with his pecks also bulging out of his shirt.

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