Thirty-Two-Bette Davis Eyes

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Bette Davis Eyes

When we arrived at Santa Monica Pier, we were relieved to see that her shop was open. It read Madam Elderia. When we came inside, the shop seemed empty. There was a table with a crystal ball in the middle of the shop and cards laid out.

"You have come right on time and I see you brought another friend," said what must have been Madam Elderia. She was the fortune teller from last time. 

"Yes we need your help."

"Come sit."

We sat down and she held out her hand.

"These things cost sweetie. That'll be twenty."

"Oh right," I said, digging in my pocket for the money and giving her a twenty.

"Now give me your hands and close your eyes."

I closed my eyes. "Hmmm. Ah-hmm. Hmm. Okay I see your problem. Like I said before you are in grave danger child."

"From what?"


"Who is her?"

"I think you know."

"I came to you to ask how do I get back the visions."

"Now that I can help you with." She got up and started rummaging in her chest. "Ah-ha here we go."

She held up a potion. "Drink this and all will be revealed."

"What is it?" Tyler asked.

"Potion number 3, with it you will see. It enhances any power you may have and you my dear have the gift of sight."

When we were out of the shop, I asked, "Do you think she is right about me being in danger?"

"Who knows but all I know is we have to give this a try and hopefully get you out of danger in the process."

When we got back to the house, my mother's car was in the yard but so was another car.

"You better go. We'll try it out later."


When I entered the house, my mom was talking to someone. It sounded like a familiar feminine voice.

"Oh hi honey, it's great that you came home because your teacher stopped by wanting to give you something."

I gulped as I saw it was Mrs. Benedict-Arnold.

"I was telling your mother how great of a student you are and wanted to give you this recommendation letter to Stanford. I remember you saying you wanted to go and I just wanted to bring this to you in person and I also have something else I must speak to you about, if I could discuss it in private with you."

"Oh by all means, I'll be upstairs folding clothes," mom said leaving me to what felt like the danger the fortune teller was talking about. 

"What is it you would like to discuss with me?"

"I wanted to know if you were still looking into the murder-suicide that took place here."

"I was but I seemed to hit a dead end."

"Good because I was going to say that it might be dangerous for you to continue going forward with it. Tyler dealt with really dangerous men who may have actually been a part of the murder."

"Why didn't you inform the police of this?"

"Because I was scared and still am. You don't want to get yourself involved in something that could potentially end tragically."

That sounded like a threat more than a warning, but I wasn't going to say that aloud.

"I think if there was something askew and Tyler wasn't actually the murderer in the case, then it should be looked into don't you think Mrs. Benedict-Arnold?"

"I think some things that are at rest should stay at rest."

"But that's not a journalist motto."

"Maybe not under normal circumstances but this is too risky to consider opening it up again." She started to get up. "I hope you will take heed to what I have said and also appreciate my recommendation."

Was she bribing me?

"Thanks so much. You really didn't have to."

"I know but you're such a good student. Don't tell anyone this but you're one of my favorites."

"I definitely won't."

"Well see you on Monday, Anya."

"Yeah see you then."

Hopefully with you in cuffs, I thought to myself.

Later on that night I filled Tyler in on what transpired with me and Mrs. Benedict-Arnold aka Lacey.

"You don't think she was the one she was warning you about?" he asked.

"I don't know and I honestly don't care. Once we get the tape recorder, she won't have a chance to do anything to me behind bars."

I took out the potion. "Here goes nothing."

It tasted like peppermint and beer.

I started to feel a tingly sensation go through me. "I think it's working."

"Let's start then."

We started making out and this time I could feel a vision starting to form. Think of that day, I thought to myself.

"Bette Davis Eyes" was playing on the radio in the room. I was spinning around and around to the music while I put clothes in a suitcase. I guess getting ready to run off with Tyler. Suddenly Tyler came into the room, putting his arms around my waist.

"Tonight is the night," he said kissing her forehead.

"I know, I can't believe..."she trailed off as Tyler looked like he had just been hit by something. He moved back. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he breathed. "Where's your tape recorder?"

"Why? We won't need that for the road."

"It's one of your favorite things, if you ever come back here you can have something as a memento," he said looking towards her dresser and seeing the tape recorder there. He went to grab it and clicked on the record button.

"Why did you press the record button?"

"Because you want to have something you will be able to listen to when you eventually come back."

"Who says I'll ever come back?"

"It may be many years from now but one day you will and I will be with you."

"Where will I put it," I said grabbing it.

"How about here?" He asked pointing down at the floorboard.

She opened the floorboard and put it into the ground before closing it.

"You are so..."


"That's one way to describe you."

Suddenly I was ripped away from the vision and seemed to be going through convulsions.

"Anya, Anya please wake up," I heard Tyler cry out."

"I don't know what's happening to me," I cried.

All I could see was darkness as I tried to open my eyes and then my mind went blank.

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