Thirty-One-Like A Prayer

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Like a Prayer

"You would think I would feel better about knowing the truth but I feel worse." I said to Tyler once we were back at the house. 

"We're going to figure out a way to get justice."

"I have an idea but its really farfetched."


"What if you could send a time capsule from the past."

"Like Donnie Darko? That's impossible."

"I'm a ghost so I believe nothing is impossible. Time doesn't exist for me so what if with enough energy I can send you back and you put something that wasn't there before in her room before they come in."

"Like a voice tape recorder."


"But how would we do that? Does she even have one in her room."

"She had one because she was a journalist. If we can somehow get her to put it somewhere no one would ever look for it then we may have a chance."

I started looking around the room to see where we could stash the voice recorder and looked down at the floor. I pulled up my rug and saw that it was floorboards. I started digging to see if there was a part that might lift up and finally found a floorboard that stuck up.

"The floorboard."

"That's perfect. But don't open it."

"Why not?"

"I've been reading up on a lot of metaphysics philosophy and many believe that time can't be manipulated. That things would happen as they were supposed to. So you going back to do this is something she would have already done. We just have to make it seem like its her choice."

"And how are we going to do that?"

"Me. I can go into his body. Time doesn't exist really for me. A ghost is a metaphysical thing. Not really of this world but something more. It's going to take a lot of energy but I think if we really go for it, we can do it. Now we just need to channel the day of the murder in your vision."

"But how will we channel that day? We've never done that before."

"We'll try to channel it through thought while we..."

"It can't be tonight. I feel far too weak. That vision took everything out of me."

"Yeah I was going to say we shouldn't attempt it tonight in your state."

"If this works..." I trailed off in happy tears.

"Then you will go down in history as a real Donnie Darko character."


We didn't waste any time the next day. As soon as my mom left for work, we were going at it. I tried my hardest to think about the day of the murder but no matter how hard I tried, nothing would come.

"Nothing is happening," I finally said after a while of making out.

"Maybe we need to turn it up a notch." He said taking off his shirt exposing his bare chest. I pulled off my shirt and we went back to kissing.

After a while there was still nothing. And finally we decided to go all the way but still nothing happened.

"Maybe you're all tapped out of visions now that the truth has been revealed."

"Maybe so but there has to be another way."

"Hey, we can go at it again, I'm all game for that."

"I bet you are," I laughed as we intertwined into another kiss.

Finally I had it.

"The fortune teller. Maybe she can help us."

"Let's go then."


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