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"Aurelia, come get lunch!" I yell from the kitchen.

The past few weeks have been much calmer than my first few days here. Sebastian's new movie is gaining attention and the production is coming along flawlessly according to what I have heard. Alexia hasn't really been a problem. She hasn't called in a week to see or check on Aurelia and I am starting think she truly doesn't care to see her daughter.

Speaking of her daughter, Aurelia is turning four next week!

Sebastian has tasked me with planning a surprise party for her. He left me a few ideas since he seems to know her better than anyone. Apparently, she asked for an Avengers/Princess party.

I'm not really sure how that is supposed to work, but I've relied on Pinterest and so far the party won't be a complete disaster.

"I love peanut butter!" Aurelia smiles as she takes a bite of her peanut butter sandwich.

"I know. That's why I gave you Peanut Butter." I laugh and take a bite of my own sandwich.

Aurelia has been working on her pronunciation of words in order to sound "more mature." Her words. Not ours.

Sebastian is wondering if Alexia had something to do with her sudden desire to appear older.

I know for a fact that Alexia has something to do with MY sudden desire to hit someone with a bus.

Was that mean? Oh well.

After lunch, I clean up while Aurelia goes back to playing. I look at the clock and it reads 12:45pm. Aurelia will have to lay down soon and I can work on her birthday party details some more.

Sebastian said he would invite everyone, but I'm worried with how busy he is that he may not have a chance.

I'll call and ask him while Aurelia is sleeping.

Aurelia calls for me from her room and I make my way to her.

"What's up?" I say as I walk in.

She's sitting in the middle of her floor with her crayons working hard on a drawing.

"Look." She says as she holds up the paper.

"Oh! That's so cute! What is it? Exactly?" I say trying to hold my smile. The different lines seem to have no rhyme or reason to them.

"It's you and daddy kissing." Aurelia laughs and I feel my cheeks burn.

"Oh. Okay?" I'm confused as to where she got her "inspiration."

"Because you love daddy don't you?" She asks looking from her picture to me repeatedly.

"Well, I guess I love him as a friend. But, Aurelia your daddy and I don't love each other in a romantic way. We're just friends." I say as I sit next to her.

"Then, why did mommy tell me you were in love?" She asked.

"Wait, what? Your mom said we were in love?" I asked. A nervous feeling settling in my stomach. What has she been telling Aurelia?

"Yeah. She said you love daddy and are using him for attention." She says and goes back to her coloring.

Now I really want to hit her with a bus.

I let Aurelia finish coloring and put her down for a nap around 2pm.

"Have good dreams, sweet girl." I whisper as I kiss her head and pull her blankets over her.

"Mimi?" She calls for me as I begin to close her door.


"I love you." She says and my heart swells.

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