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"Boo!" Aurelia giggles as she runs to her Grandma.

"Boo?" I look at Sebastian.

"Bunica is Grandma in Romanian. When Aurelia started talking, she couldn't say that, so now my mom is 'Boo'." He says, smiling as he watches his daughter chat with his mom. I watch as they interact and I can clearly see differences in Sebastian's mom and how she handles Aurelia versus how my own mom handles my nieces and nephew. It's intriguing.

Instead of trying to occupy Aurelia with a toy, Georgeta sings to her. I remember Sebastian talking about his mom being a pianist and a music teacher and I hope to be able to have something in common with her through that.

Sebastian hands me a drink and I take a sip, expecting it to be water. I almost spit it out when I realize it's vodka.

"Sebastian." I whisper yell at him after I swallow it. He smiles at me and takes a sip from his own glass.

"I guess that means I'm driving home." I sigh and sit the glass on the side table next to me. He stares at me a little too long and I begin to feel self conscious. "Will you stop?" I whisper.

"I just like looking at you." He laughs and takes another drink. I roll my eyes and look back towards Aurelia.

Sebastian and I sit for a while, just watching Aurelia bond with her grandma. I can't help but smile as they talk to each other. Every once in a while Georgeta will say something to Sebastian that I don't understand. She smiles at me when she notices me watching Aurelia playing in the floor with a puzzle.

"Madelaine, what are some of your hobbies?" She asks.

"Well, I don't get much time for hobbies. My life revolves around Aurelia." I say, laughing a bit.

"Really? No hobbies?" She asks.

"Mimi and I like to sing and dance." Aurelia says from her spot on the floor.

"Do you enjoy singing?" Georgeta asks me, excitedly.

"Well, just in the car sometimes and with Aurelia, of course." I say. my cheeks becoming a little red.

"Do you ever sing in front of crowds?" She asks.

"Not anymore, but I used to do choir and small plays in school." I smile, hoping this conversation ends soon. I hate talking about my high school plays.

"I didn't know that." Sebastian says beside me.

"Yeah, it was just stupid stuff like Alice in Wonderland and The Little Mermaid." I tell him. My cheeks have to be glowing at this point.

"Well, when you're comfortable I would love to hear you sing." Georgeta tells me as she smiles.

"Oh, I don't think anyone really wants to hear that." I laugh. "I'm not very talented." This is the WORST. Sebastian is never going to let this go.

Georgeta just laughs with me and continues to play with Aurelia. The sky begins to turn gray after lunch and Sebastian checks the weather.

"We probably need to go soon. It's going to start snowing even more." He sighs. I don't think he likes the snow very much.

We begin to gather our stuff and I put Aurelia's' coat on. Aurelia hugs her grandma and Sebastian goes to warm up the car. I'm picking up Aurelia's toys when Georgeta walks next to me.

"I hope to see you again, soon." She smiles as she moves in for a hug. I'm a bit caught off guard but manage to hug her back without making it too awkward.

"Yeah, I hope so too." I say smiling as we pull away.

"I haven't seen him this happy in a long time. You brighten him up." She says and I'm not sure how to respond.

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