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Sebastian had spent the afternoon talking with my family members and getting to know everyone. So far, everyones seemed to be enjoying themselves. I noticed Sebastian was now talking to my uncle, who was a bit more...interesting than the rest of the family. He had more knowledge of Marvel, Star Wars, and Space facts than anyone I knew and Sebastian was absolutely soaking it in. I laughed to myself a little watching him.


Hot nerd, but still a nerd.

Aurelia was playing with Violet. I wasn't surprised that they had formed a friendship since they are closer in age. Violet is five and a very smart little girl. There were times back in New York that I had called Aurelia 'Violet' because of their similarities. They were playing with baby dolls and talking about God knows what.

"You good?" My mom asks as she sits next to me at the table.

"Yeah. I'm okay." I say.

"I know it makes you nervous to have everyone together, but I thought this would be the easiest way to get everyone aquainted before tomorrow." She sighs as she takes a sip of her water.

"Yeah. Did you all really sit and look him up though?" I ask, slightly concerned.

"Of course we did. You know we are nosey. Granny really loved watching Endings, Beginnings." She says and I groan, putting my head in my hands.

"Mom. Please, tell me that's just a joke." I say as I feel my face heating up.

"No, we actually watched it and a few others." She says, laughing.

"Oh God. Which ones?" Why did I ask? I'm dying inside already.

"Well there was, I'm Not Here, Endings, Beginnings, We Have Always Lived In The Castle, and there was one about gymnastics but I can't remember the name." She says.

"The Bronze?"

"Yes! Sebastian has a cute butt." She laughs and I jump up from the table completely mortified that my MOTHER and GRANDMOTHER have seen Sebastian's ass. This has to be a nightmare.

"I need some air, I think." I say as my mom bursts into laughter.

I walk out the front door to find Sebastian now talking to my dad and grandpa on the front porch.

"Hey, whats going on?" I ask nervously when I see my dad holding his pistol. MAybe coming home wasn't such a good idea.

"Hey, your dad is showing me how to shoot this." Sebastian says smiling.

"Oh, have you never shot one?" I ask.

"I have but it's been a long time." He says, shrugging.

"Dad," I look to my dad," do we have any clay disks here?" I ask him, an idea already forming in my head.

"Yeah, there's a box or two in the basement. Why? You want to go shoot?" He asks.

"If that's okay." I say, smiling. Sebastian looks at me as my dad goes to get everything we need.

"You're going to shoot clay disks with a pistol? " He asks, looking confused.

"Oh no, not with a pistol." I say as my dad walks back out and hands me a 12 gauge.

"With that?" Sebastian asks. He looks terrified. This is hilarious.

"Okay, what's going to happen is, dad will throw the disk and I have to try to hit it." I tell Sebastian while dad sets up everything.

"He's going to throw it?" Sebastian asks as dad says he is ready.

"Yeah. You might want to cover your ears." I say as I put in earplugs my dad handed me.

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