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This chapter will deal with subjects of child custody, and intentions of child violation. NO DETAILS WILL BE SHARED THAT ARE GRAPHIC. Only the implications. NO, AURELIA WAS NOT ACTUALLY VIOLATED BUT THE INTENTION WAS THERE.


Thank you!

"Hello, beautiful." Sebastian whispers as he opens the door for me to eter the apartment.

"Hey." I smile and kiss him on the cheek. We decided to be up early so we could talk to Aurelia about what is happening today. We want to make sure we prepare her the best we can for whatever is about to happen.

"Is she up yet?" I ask as I move to sit at the kitchen table.

"No. I thought it might be a good idea to let her sleep a little longer." He sighs as he sits across from me. I notice his knee is nervously bouncing up and down and his hand keeps raking through his hair.

"Sebastian." I say and his head whips toward me. "Breathe. Everything is going to be okay."

"I just want it to be over." He says and rests his elbows on the table and holds his head in his hands. I stand from my chair and walk over to him.

"I know." I say as I try to fix his hair and comfort him. I look at the clock on the wall beside the refridgerator and see that it is 7:30am. If Sebastian wants to have Aurelia ready in time she needs to get up.

"I'm gonna go wake up Aurelia so she has time for breakfast." I tell him and wait until he nods his head before heading toward her door.

"Aurelia." I say softly as I switch her light on. "Time to get up, baby girl." I look over at her bed and watch as she slowly raises her head from her pillow.]

"Mimi? Where's daddy?" She asks, rubbing her eyes.

"He's in the kitchen waiting on you." I say smiling at her as I sit on the edge of her bed. She crawls over to me and sits on my lap. Her little head rests on my shoulder and I wrap my arms around her and give her a hug.

"Are we going to the park today?" she asks sleepily.

"Yeah, we are. "I say quietly.

Aurelia and I couldn't be in the courtroom, but we had to be nearby in case something goes wrong and Aurelia has to leave with Alexia. So, Aurelia and I are going to an indoor park so she can play and keep her mind off what will be happening just down the street.

"Okay. I wanna go see daddy." She says and slides off my lap, I smile as she drags her blanket behind her on her way to see Sebastian. I go to her closet and find some play clothes for her to wear to the park and make my way into the kitchen where Sebastian is holding Aurelia on his lap, doing his best to explain what may happen today.

I make Aurelia breakfast during their conversation and can't help but feel anxious. There are so many uncertainties of today that it is definitely overwhelming. I'm trying my best to keep myself together not just for Aurelia's sake but also for Sebastian's. I know his mind is going a million miles an hour and he looks like he didn't get a bit of sleep last night. He shaved the bit of beard he had and was already in his nice clothes. I couldn't help but think he looked ready for a movie premiere.

Soon, after Aurelia has eaten her breakfast, we leave for the day's events.

"Remember to breathe." I tell Sebastian as we walk down the hallway together, watching as Aurelia skips down the hallway in front of us.

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