Twenty Nine

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"DADDY!!" Aurelia squeals as she jumps on Sebastian's bed. I jolt awake and pull the sheets around my shoulders. Aurelia does not need to see my boobs. That's for sure.

Sebastian groans and rolls over, "Aurelia it's too early." He rasps.

"But daddy, It's Christmas! Wake up! Mimi, make him get up!" She looks at me with her big blue eyes and I slide my hand over and pinch him.

"Ow, why did you- OH. Aurelia, come on." Sebastian remembers I'm still naked and hurries out of the room, taking Aurelia with him. I sigh in relief and sit up when the door is shut.

Ever since the night that Sebastian and I had....released the building sexual tension, I had been sleeping with him. We had agreed that it probably wasn't the best idea to run on little to no sleep when we had to care for Aurelia. Or at least that was our excuse to ourselves to be closer to each other.

The past few days had been fairly quiet. Alexia seems to have dropped off the face of the earth and the story she made up is old news now. Sebastian had even gone as far to go to her house and it was completely empty. He was worried at first, but he figured she had moved to Greece. She went on vacation there and met some guy to run off into the sunset with.

I was fine with it as long as she was out of our hair.

Sebastian and I weren't completely back together, yet. We had been trying to work through the emotions that had been built up when shit hit the fan with Alexia. I knew she was gone for now, but I wanted to be prepared when she shows her evil face again.

I throw on Sebastian's T-shirt and pull on some of his boxers before walking into the living room.

I pull out my own phone to get pictures and snap a few while Aurelia does her best to control herself. I sit next to Sebastian and lay back, resting my head on his chest.

"Okay, Aurelia," I say, " Go ahead and start openi-" She rips into the wrapping paper before I can finish and I laugh a little at her.

"A camera!" She squeals. I had the idea to get her a toy camera so she would stop filling Sebastian's phone up with pictures of her dolls.

I feel Sebastian's chest move when he chuckles at her and I look up at him to see him smile. God, I love that smile.

Aurelia continues opening her presents and groans when she opens her new socks and clothes just like every other kid. Sebastian and I roll our eyes at her.

"She gets that from you, you know." Sebastian whispers in my ear.

"Bull crap old man, you're the actor. She gets all of her dramatic tendencies from you." I laugh.

"Did you just call me an old man?"

"Yup. Keep it up. I'll do it again."

Sebastian leans down closer to my ear and whispers, "Keep it up, I'll have you calling me something else." My heart skips and I feel my cheeks flush as he playfully nips at my ear.

"Daddy, can we give Mimi her present now?" Aurelia asks from where she sits in the middle of her pile of new toys.

"Yeah, crawl under the tree and grab it for me." He tells her and I sit up.

"You guys didn't have to get me anything." I smile.

"Yes, we did! Open it!" Aurelia squeals as she hands me a little rectangle shaped box. My heart swells and I see Sebastian move his phone towards me.

"Don't video this." I laugh, feeling awkward.

"Shut up. Open it." He laughs.

I roll my eyes and tear into the wrapping paper, The box is white with no writing and I look at Aurelia who is practically vibrating with excitement in front of me. The lid lifts easily and my breath catches in my throat.

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