Chapter 4

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Liebe is 5+ and Asta is almost 6.

Asta POV

It's been almost a year from the day I met Liebe and Licita.
During the days we kept meeting and after a while we create a brotherhood relationship with me being the big brother and him the little one.

The church where I live doesn't know that I've been meeting them.

The church where I live is small, a little rusty but when maybe the roof falls apart under the pressure of the rain  we put it back together.

I live with my other little brothers Yuno and Natch , Natch being the youngest he's not even a year, meanwhile Yuno being the fragile one he cries for even the little things.

An example when we were playing I fell and I hurt my ankle and he's started crying, like come on he's not like I'm going to die; in my point of view he needs to control better his emotions.

Then we have Sister Lily and Father Orsi both of them take care of us, Sister  is being the youngest and Father being the oldest.

The things we eat are potatoes, they are very salty but I like them.

Liebe POV

It's been almost a year and me and Asta or big brother grew closer, some day I found out that he was training, the first time I saw this I was concerned because usually a child shouldn't be training as such young age.

I asked him why and he simple responded with : " I know that a child shouldn't be training at such age but I don't want to be left behind.
So I'll build muscles over the years  to compensate my lack of magic and don't worry I'll start with small exercises."

I am intrigued by the way Asta is talking even a year before he has show that he's more mature than most kids.

So my theory he's that he's been reading a lot about magic and other things to know how to counter it.

Then I asked :"don't you mind if I help you training? So we can grow stronger and we can create techniques and become stronger in hand to hand and maybe even learn how to use swords"

Big brother (Asta): " Sure I don't mind I look forward to train with you and don't worry even if you didn't say it before I already know that you're magicless or how would you be standing with Licita like it's nothing wrong?
But don't worry I won't judge you for not telling me I'm sure you had you're reasons.
The training starts under the head of the demon king at 3 pm "

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