Chapter 5

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Liebe is 7+ and Asta is eight.

Asta POV

It's been two years since me and my little brother Liebe started training, our training starts with basis exercises like push-ups and squats and others simple exercises.

For second we train hand to hand to get some experience in close combat and not too long ago we started training with wooden swords; we asked our "mom" help in making  them.

Let's just say we train from 3 pm to 7/8 pm every day.

In fact of speed I'm a little superior meanwhile in strength I hit less hard then Liebe but it still strong.(I don't know if I described it right, if you want you can let me know, alright?)

Licita POV

Time(5 pm)

When they return to get a break from training I will tell them the truth about Asta being my biological son.

Time(5.30 pm)

Meanwhile I was making food for us three I heard in the distance: "Mom where back from training!", hearing that put a smile on my face.

Then I said : " Asta, Liebe I need to tell you something really important, so may you pay attention while we eat?"

Asta POV

When we came back to our "mom" I said " Mom where back from training!"

Then she said " Asta, Liebe I need to tell you something really important, so may you pay attention while we eat?"

' If my theory it's right, I think I know what she wants to tell us."

Time(5.45 pm)

Before we started eating me and my brother went to wash ourselves ' Don't want to eat dirty'.

Then Mom started telling us the truth about me being her son, while we were listening to her both me and Liebe were very calm.

Licita(with a serious voice): "I alright apologize for not telling you before but I think it wasn't the right time to tell both of you.
I will be straight, Asta is my biological son that I left at the church; if you're wondering why I did something like that it's because of my curse and I didn't want to lose Asta because of my curse."
Then with a sad smile she continued with:
"I wouldn't be surprised if you, Asta my son would refuse to see me as you're true mother."

Liebe(happy voice): "So all this time I was hanging and training with my real step- brother?
Hey brother it's seems that you're theory was right from the star!"

Asta(happy voice): " yea and I'm grateful that it was right".

Licita(surprised tone): " Wait theory?It's seems like you're smarter than I thought."

Asta and Liebe(both with a cheerful tone): " Don't worry we already saw you as our original mother"

Asta(normal voice):"Mom you don't need to apologize we already knew why you did what you did.
So let's move on and be a big family"

Me and my now official step-brother Liebe went to embrace our mother in a hug.

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