Take Me To The Rooftop

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I sigh as I stand atop of the rooftop taking in my final moments as a cold breeze brushes against my face causing a burning sensation from the frigid air. I look out at the glimmering city landscape reflecting on the moments of my life that brought me here.

The car accident, two years ago, is where it all began. The sudden death of my mother devastated me in a way I have yet to recover from. She was my best friend. I came to her about everything and she was always there to help get me through every situation. Losing her meant losing the only person who truly knew and understood me. I felt alone. While all the other girls at school talked about preparing for the prom with their mothers, I was burying mine.

My friends tried to help me the best way they knew how, but none of them had ever experienced the loss of a parent so their help could only go so far. Eventually, they got tired of trying and moved on as life does.

My father tried to pretend as if her death never happened. He removed as much of her from the house as possible and never spoke of her again. It was almost as if she never existed. He threw himself into his work and became distant. Leaving me alone all over again.

After graduating, I thought moving to the city would be good for me. A fresh new start away from the tragedy my life became at home. I got a job as a waitress with a salary that pays me barely enough to afford the crumby little apartment I live in. Rent keeps rising causing me to work extra shifts just to keep up.

The money that my parents had saved for college went into helping me buy a car and nicer clothing so that I could interview for better jobs. Of course, I have been rejected by every position I've applied for because no one wants to hire someone who only has a high school diploma and no experience.

I wipe the tears from my eyes I hadn't realized I was shedding and pulled out my phone. I began to play the song I had labeled as my suicide song as it perfectly described how I was feeling and why I was doing what I am about to do and typed out my suicide note.


I am leaving my final interview for the day and about to enter Dragon when I hear my song begin to play. I look around curiously as I see no one around me. Brushing it off, I'm about to get in my car again when I hear a sob. I look for the source of the sound, again seeing no one, before finally looking up to the roof of the building. There I see a girl on the ledge sobbing as she's typing on her phone.

I debate going up there partly because she is clearly a fan and, as much as I love them, I do not have the energy to deal with their overexcited enthusiasm right now. And partly because she is obviously upset and I don't want to bother her or impose. However, there was something about the desperation in her sobs and the fact that she was playing Listen Before I Go that urged my feet towards the building.

"Hey Billie, back already! You missed my interviews that badly." joked the interviewer and I gave a half-hearted chuckle in response.

"Hey, um, how do you get to roof of the building?" I asked them and they gave a shocked expression clearly not expecting that question.

"Ummm." the interviewer looks at me hesitantly no doubt debating on whether they should tell me or not seeing as how it is no secret I used to be suicidal myself.

I sigh "Look, I promise I'm not gonna jump. I just need to check on something or, rather, someone."

They point towards a door that leads to a set of stairs and eventually out to the roof. I get nervous as I open the door and see that the girl's position has switched from sitting to standing. She has her back towards the sky as she faces me with her eyes closed. There's an unreadable expression on her face as my song begins to draw to an end.

Carefully, I make my way towards her as I don't want to scare her and send her to her certain death. My hands wrap around hers just as the ambulance in my song begins to sound. She jumps, not expecting my touch, and stares down at me her eyes widened in shock.


I stare down at the person holding my hand not quite fully registering who they are yet. I am surprised that they not only found me up here, but care enough to stop me from jumping.

"How about you come down from there and we'll talk?" the black haired girl asks me and I nod using her to help me step down. As I'm coming down, I realize the gravity of my situation and what I was about to do. I begin sobbing uncontrollably and the girl comforts me wrapping her arms around me and telling me how everything's gonna be okay.

Once I've finally calmed down, the girl pulls me away from her embrace and starts wiping away my remaining tears. There's something familiar about her, but I can't figure out why. I am sure I've never met this person before. I blame the trauma from almost dying for hindering my ability to figure out who this girl is.

"Now that you've calmed down, do you want to talk about it?" she asks sweetly, almost lovingly, and that causes me to cry again because for once it feels like someone actually cares about me and that I wasn't alone. Once I've calmed down again, I apologize to the girl for being such a mess and she reassures me that it's fine.

I begin telling her all about my tragic past, my current situation, and how I had just finished being rejected from the position being offered at this radio station. I told her that it was the last straw and that I just couldn't take it anymore. I was tired of feeling absolutely alone and my life going nowhere. I just wanted it all to stop and to disappear.

She held me in her arms while I spoke and rocked me gently reminding me of my mother who would do the same for me when I was upset. I felt so safe and secure in her warm embrace. It was very comforting. Once I finished, she held me tighter and told me how sorry she was for the hand of cards life dealt me. It was nice to feel cared for.

"Thank you." I said turning to face her.

"For what?" she asked looking at me confused.

"Well, aside from saving my life", I chuckled, "you're the first person to make me feel cared about and listened to."

"Of course", she smiled at me, "my fans are important to me. I have to make sure they're okay because y'all are the reason I'm okay."

"Your fans?" I asked looking at her. It was then that I finally realized why she looked familiar. I placed my hand over my mouth as I gasped back in shock. No way this was happening right now. "You're Billie Eilish." I said incredulously, not believing that the Billie Eilish just saved my life.

"Yeah", she said smiling at me as if meeting her was not the most amazing thing to happen to a person, which I guess to her, it's not, "and you are?"

Oh my gosh, this is really happening right now. "Um, Y/N." I said a little breathless trying to calm myself down so I don't look like a complete lunatic.

"Well Y/N", she says reaching for my phone. After a couple of seconds of typing, she gives me back the phone and says "it was very nice to meet you. Call or text me anytime you need talk. I'll be there for you as soon as possible."

She stands up and I look at my phone in disbelief seeing the name "Billie" now saved into my contacts. She holds her hand out to me and I take it as she helps me up from my seated position. I still can't believe any of this is really happening.

"I better not see my number trending on the internet." she says seriously giving me a hard look. I nod my head. "I'll know it was you." she says again her expression not changing.

I nod my again before saying "O-Of course. I would never betray your trust." And I mean it. I can't imagine what she goes through on a day to day basis as a celebrity. It must be really hard to find people you can trust, so for her to grant me with something so special, I would never give that away.

She stares at me for a couple more seconds, sizing me up, before finally deciding I'm genuine and goes back to smiling. Her smile makes me smile and suddenly I'm grateful for all of the hardship I went through. While it brought me to the worst moment of my life, it also led me to the greatest moment of my life.

Yay!!! Happy ending. Thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote, comment, and share if you liked this! This is my first imagine EVER, so your feedback will be greatly appreciated and help me dearly. Thanks again for reading and I hope you enjoyed. See you next update, bye!

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