The Opportunity of A Lifetime

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WARNING: I love fantasy stories, more specifically werewolf stories, so this imagine is inspired by that. If this is not your cup of tea, then I suggest you skip this chapter. Thanks!

Also, also, Billie just revealed her new hair color. BLONDE!?!? Was not prepared for that AT ALL. She looks stunning, of course, but what do you guys think???


"Will you hurry up! I don't want to be late!" I yell to my sister upstairs. This is my first ever Billie Eilish concert and I am beyond excited. I have loved her ever since I heard idontwannabeyouanymore for the very first time. You could say it was love at first listen. She is the best person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and I can't believe I am finally going to see her in person.

"If I miss out on seeing Billie because of you, I am never speaking to you again. Ever." I yell to S/N as she finally makes her way down the stairs.

She rolls her eyes as she reaches the last step "Relax, Y/N. I promise you'll get there and even if you don't see her, it's not that big of a deal."

I gasp at her statement "Not that big of a deal!? This means more to me than anything in the world. More than my own wedding! Finally seeing Billie is like the biggest deal on the whole planet." I explain to her. No one in my family really understands just how much that woman means to me. They all think I'm crazy or obsessed and maybe I am, but if they knew Billie the way I know her, they would understand.

"Alright, geez, I get it." my sister says as she backs the car out of the driveway. "Lunatic."

I roll my eyes at her snide remark. If anyone's the lunatic it's her. She's the one who refuses to listen to Billie just because she's popular. S/N thinks she's so cool because she only listens to undiscovered artists. It's her loss. I look at the time.


We live about twenty minutes away from the venue and the meet and greet starts at 5 which means we are late, which means security probably won't let me into the meet and greet, which means I won't get to meet Billie. That's it. My one shot, the opportunity of a lifetime, gone. "I can't believe you ruined this for me, S/N! You knew how much this mattered to me and now I'm never going to meet Billie." I exclaim trying to fight back my tears.

This event was so important to me and no one cared. When I found out Billie was touring through my town, I was so ecstatic. I knew my parents wouldn't buy tickets, so I did everything I could to save up enough money so that I would be able to go. I started working as many extra shifts as I could with my school schedule and started taking on extra jobs like tutoring and house sitting. I even babysat, and I hate children, just so I could afford to go. Now, even after all of that, I'm going to miss out on seeing Billie and it's heartwrenching. I will never get a chance like this again and it's just gone.

"Will you relax? The GPS says we will get there at 4:55. You're not gonna be late."

"Yes, I will. You still have to park the car, walk to the venue, find where the meet and greet is happening. By the time we finish all of that, it will be too late." I tell her looking out the window and biting down on my quivering lip. The last thing I need is for my family to start making fun of me because I cried over not meeting Billie.

All of a sudden the car starts speeding up and we are traveling well beyond the speed limit. I look at my sister my eyes widen in fear. "What the hell are you doing?" I ask her through a panicky voice "Do you want to get us killed!?"

"You want to meet Billie, right?" she responds her eyes never leaving the road. I smile softly to myself. S/N does care. While I would normally never condone reckless driving, under the circumstances I think a little reckless driving is necessary.

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