A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words (2)

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I sigh sadly as I scroll through my social media watching the entire internet call me a two-timing, backstabbing whore.

It had been a week since the news broke of my alleged affair with Kaia and the paparazzi has not let off me since. Their latest reports claim that Kaia and I are already taking our relationship to the next level as they saw me move into her house. Admittedly, it probably was not the best idea to move in with her since I supposedly cheated on Billie with her, but I had nowhere else to go on such short notice.

She was already there and if I'm being honest with myself, I wanted someone to comfort me. It's just infuriating that I have all these people taking snapshots of my life and using them to create the wrong story of what's really happening. They are painting me out to be such a monster when really I am a victim here too. Sure, maybe I shouldn't have kissed Kaia knowing I was in a relationship with Billie, but it was a stupid drunken kiss for a dare. It meant absolutely nothing!

And the worst part of all is that I can't even explain my side of the story because no one wants to hear it. I have tried calling the O'Connell's so many times. Billie, Maggie, Patrick, Finneas, Claudia, I even called Zoe and Drew, but none of them wanted to hear it, sending my calls straight to voicemail.

That hurts the worse because these are the people who I consider my family. Maggie and Patrick accepted me instantly and treated me as if I was already their daughter. Finneas is like the brother I have always wanted and Claudia is so kind and caring. It hurts me that they think I'm some kind of monster capable of hurting Billie so badly. I love her so much and it's literally killing me that she thinks I would do something like this to her.

There's a knock on the door and I look up from underneath the mountain of blankets I buried myself under to see Kaia leaning against the doorframe. "What do you want?" I ask weakly, my voice hoarse from all of my crying.

"Y/N, this is unhealthy." she sighs walking over to my depressed heap surrounded by the pillows and blankets of her guest bedroom. "You've been lying in this room for a week now. Don't you think you need to get outside, have some fresh air?" she asks and I shake my head at her snuggling deeper into my cocoon of comfort. "Alright, that's it." she announces before ripping the blankets off of me, stripping me of my warmth.

"You are gonna get your sorry ass out of this bed and you are going outside."

I whine, throwing my arms over my head just wanting to wallow in my self-pity. "Ew, okay. First, you're gonna take a shower." Kaia says with a grimace and I roll my eyes at her but get out of bed, nonetheless, because deep down I know she's right.

The photos were leaked to TMZ and now Billie thinks I cheated on her, that's that. No amount of tears and wallowing is going to change that, so the best I can do is put on my big girl panties and pretend that my life has not fallen to pieces.

I sluggishly make my way to the bathroom before getting a look at myself in the mirror and cringing. My hair is horribly matted and sticking off of my head in various directions. My eyes are red and puffy from the amount of crying I had done in the last week, not to mention the bags that have formed under my eyes from the lack of sleep. I looked pathetic.

Sighing, I took off my clothes and tossed them into a corner of the bathroom before turning on the shower and getting in. As soon as the hot water hits my back, I relax instantly letting it wash away all of my stress and pain. Once I finish showering, I comb through my wet hair, getting out all the tangles and knots that had formed, and brush my teeth at the sink. I leave the bathroom and put on a fresh change of clothes and do a bit of my makeup. I had to admit, it feels really nice being clean and freshened up.

Now that I'm all washed up, I make my way towards the living room where I see Kaia waiting on the couch scrolling through her phone. "Wow, these Billie stans are no joke." Kaia says once she hears me come in, shaking her head. She shows me some of the very creative messages that were left in her DM's after the "cheating scandal" and I laugh dryly.

"That's nothing compared to what they've been sending me."

She shakes her head before turning off her phone and looking at me. "Ready to go?" she asks expectantly and I sigh not really wanting to leave the house in fear that another false story will be made about me. "Where are we going?" I ask her, trying to decide if it's worth the risk. "That's for me to know and you to find out." she says before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the house not giving me a chance to respond.


"Are you crazy?" I ask Kaia incredulously as we sit outside the house of the one person who hates my guts more than anything right now. "I can not go in there."

"Why not? All week you've been moping about how you wish you could just talk to her and now I'm giving you that chance."

"Yeah, but I can't just show up to her house. Besides, she doesn't even want to talk to me."

"Y/N, we are not leaving this spot till you go up there and talk to her. You and Billie love each other, so much more than I have ever seen anyone love anybody. It would be stupid to have that thrown away over a stupid kiss that meant nothing. You two belong to each other and I'm not gonna sit back and watch what you two have disappear. Besides, I'm tired of you eating up all my food." Kaia says with a chuckle at the end and I smile, wiping away some of the tears that fell during her mini-speech.

"You really think so?"

"Absolutely." she says with a nod of her head. I take a deep breath and get out of the car quickly before my newfound confidence from Kaia's words disappears. I ring the doorbell and wait anxiously to see the face I have been longing for all week. When the door opens, I am greeted with blue eyes that widen in shock before morphing into a look of anger. Before Billie can do anything else, I stop her by throwing my arms around her and bursting out into sobs. I'm surprised I even have tears left to cry. "Please, Billie, I'm so sorry. This whole thing has been one gigantic misunderstanding. Just let me talk to you and I promise I will explain everything." I say sobbing into the crook of her neck, desperate for her to finally let me explain.

I hear her sigh before her arms move to push me off of her. I stare into her ocean blue orbs noticing a pool of tears welling in her eyes. This fills me with hope because that means even though she is furious with me, she still cares. "You have one minute." she says and I smile at her, grateful to finally be given the chance to explain myself.

"It was a stupid kiss that meant absolutely nothing. We were drunk and playing Truth or Dare. They dared me to kiss her and without really thinking about the repercussions of it, I did. It was stupid of me and I shouldn't have done it, but I was drunk and wasn't thinking straight. I am so sorry about all of this. I would never cheat on you. I love you so much. You mean everything to me and I am so so sorry." I rush out to her, tears streaming down my face.

At this point, there is nothing more I can do. It is up to her to decide if she believes me or not. But God, I hope she does. I hope she sees how much she means to me and that I would never intentionally hurt her in any capacity. When she doesn't say anything, I take that as my answer and brokenheartedly turn to walk back to Kaia's car knowing I just lost the best thing to ever happen to me. However, before I can take any more steps, I am swiftly pulled into a pair of arms as lips crash against mine.

I am frozen in shock before my brain processes what's happening and I immediately begin to kiss her back. The kiss is a passionate one filled with the range of emotions we both felt this past week. By the time we pull away, I am completely breathless, unable to form a coherent thought. I rest my head on her forehead gathering my thoughts before asking "Does this mean you forgive me?"

"Yes, Y/N, I forgive you." she says before reconnecting our lips and I smile happy to be back with the woman I love.

Okay, it's finally here. Part 2 to A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words!!! I hope it was worth the wait and that you guys enjoyed it. If you did, then please don't forget to vote, comment, and share. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and helps me dearly as the author. Would you guys like it if I started putting gifs in the imagines to show the emotions??? I think that would be a cool addition to the stories, but let me know what you guys think. Thank you so much for reading and voting, I really appreciate it so much. See you next update, arrivederci!

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