CC Day 1: Love, Accidentally

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You groan as you roll out of the bed, cursing the alarm clock on your nightstand for pulling you out of your restful slumber. In a dazed state, you shuffle towards the bathroom, peeling off your night clothes and getting into the shower.

Thirty minutes later, you emerge from the bathroom with your body cleaned, teeth brushed, and hair pulled into a bun. Today is a very special day— for you anyway. It is the first day of December, the official start to the Christmas season and you couldn't be more excited. You had big plans and many tasks to accomplish. On today's agenda, you plan on getting a jumpstart to your Christmas shopping and ending the day with decorating the tree that has been waiting for you since you put it up on Thanksgiving.

With a skip in your step, you make your way to your closet and put on a comfortable pair of leggings and an oversized sweater. You complete the look with your winter boots and jacket and head for the door— your phone and wallet in hand. The cold air encapsulates you as soon as you exit the house, causing a shiver to run down to your spine. You decide to head to the local coffee shop first, wanting to warm up before you spent the day walking around the local shops of the town's square.

The pleasant aroma of coffee filled your nose as the little bell on the door jingled, notifying the baristas of your arrival. You spend a moment looking over the holiday specials menu and smile when you find something appealing.

"Hi, what can I get for you today?" the barista says from behind the counter, their voice elevated to be heard over the sound of the espresso machines. "Hi," you smile at them, "May I get a large White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha with extra whipped cream."

The barista nods, writing down your order before ringing up your total. You walk around the small coffee shop, admiring the Christmas decorations put in place. The windows are lined with Christmas lights and paper snowflakes are taped to the panes. Every table has a miniature tree in the center with silver and gold garland wraps around the legs. A fully decorated Christmas tree stands in the corner and a small smile tugs at your lips as you notice the little coffee cup ornaments adorning the tree.

The sound of your name being called catches your attention and you head to the counter to grab your order. You turn to return to the nippy wind outside when you crash into something, or rather someone, the coffee cup falling out of your hand and onto the person in front of you. "I am so sorry!" you exclaim, watching the coffee stain get bigger as it runs down the person's silk blouse— without a doubt ruining it.

You attempt to salvage the mess you've made my dabbing the stain with napkins, but there's no point. "I can buy you a new one," you offer, feeling horrible for ruining their expensive top. The girl chuckles as she watches you scramble to try and amend the damage you have done, finding it amusing. "It's fine really. You don't have to do that," she tells you, placing her hand on yours to stop your useless dabbing.

Your eyes finally look up to meet hers and your breath hitches in your throat. Her sparkling blue eyes peer out at you, shining with amusement. You blush under her gaze and shift your eyes down to your feet.

"I can't allow you to do that," you tell the beautiful girl, shaking your head, "I messed up your blouse, you have to let me pay you back somehow."

She ponders this for a moment before a smile grace her soft pink lips. "If it's that important to you, then why don't you let me take you on a date." You stare at her, shocked, disbelieving she just asked to take you on a date. Surely someone with her obvious elegance and stature would not want to go on a date with you. "Are you sure?" you ask, still not understanding why a woman as attractive and sophisticated as her would want a date with you.

"If you don't want to go, I understand. I just-"

"No!" you rush out, quickly cutting her off. You surprise yourself with how desperate you sound and clear your throat, starting over. "I mean, no, I would love to go on a date with you," you say, unable to help the smile that spreads across your face.

Upon hearing your response, the girl's face morphs into a smile quite similar to yours. "Well, I should get going," you say, remembering all the stuff you still have to get done today. You reach your hand out, "It was really nice meeting you..." you tail off, realizing the two of you never introduced yourselves.

"Billie," she fills in the empty space you left behind. You smile as she takes your hand in hers, slipping something inside your palm. You give her your name and as you pull away you check your hand, finding a piece of paper with her number scribbled across it.

Hello Everyone, I'm back!!! Again, I'm really sorry for my extended absence and I hope you all haven't missed me too much. The first imagine of my Christmas challenge is up and I hope you all enjoyed it! If you did, then please don't forget to vote, comment, and share. Your feedback means a lot to me and helps me dearly as the author. Plus, I just really love interacting with you all (which is why I thought of this Christmas challenge).

Speaking of the challenge, the remaining prompts will be at the end of this imagine. Please vote for the one you want to see me write tomorrow!

Thank you so much for reading and staying with me after I disappeared. Your continuous love and support for this imagine book really means a lot to me. Be safe, take care of yourself, and be kind to others. I will see you next update, sayōnara!

Christmas Imagines Prompts
- "Is that mistletoe?"
- "No, no, no, get away from those presents!"
- "Baby, all I want for Christmas is you!"
- "SURPRISE! I'm your present!"
- "You know, this Christmas cookie frosting would taste a hundred times better on you."
- "I've never seen snow before! It's beautiful!"
- "You've ruined the sanctity of Christmas!"
- "You peed on Santa!?"
- "Mrs. L/N, your child is at Mall Security."
- "For the love of Christ, will you please put some fucking clothes on!"
- "You're banned from Christmas for the next 10 years!"
- "It's not my fault you like living in Antarctica."

- Secret Santa
- Ice Skating
- Decorating the Tree
- Meeting Billie's Family
- Christmas Morning w/ Kids
- Christmas Morning w/o Kids
- Snowed In
- Tree Shopping
- Billie Meets Your Family
- Christmas Eve Night (NSFW)
- Christmas Eve Night (Wholesome)
- Spilling Coffee on Billie (Complete)
- Car Breaks Down and You're Caught in the Snow

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