Closing Shifts

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I release a sigh full of relief as the last customer of the day finally leaves. I loathe working the closing shift, it is the bane of my existence. Especially, when I have to do it by myself.

Walking over to the table the guy was just sitting at, I begin wiping it down absentmindedly as my brain drifts to the hot shower and cozy bed waiting for me at home. I smile in anticipation as I imagine myself snuggled up under my covers while enjoying a binge-watching session of Criminal Minds and a tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream.

I am pulled from my thoughts when I hear the soft jingle of the bell above the door of the shop indicating that a customer has arrived. I groan internally not wanting to interact with any more people for the rest of the night. Putting on my best fake, I turn to face the customer mentally cussing them out for not being able to read the sign that says we are closed.

"Hi, I'm sorry but we're —" I begin but cut myself off as I see neon green roots peeking out of a white beanie.



My eyes travel down to meet frantic blue ones before scanning around the rest of her face taking in all her features. I take in a sudden breath trying to process what the fuck is happening right now. There is no way the Billie Eilish is standing in my shop, right in front of me. We stare at each other for what seems like ages but is probably only seconds before she breaks our moment.

"Hide me. Please." she desperately begs me, a pleading look in those gorgeous blue orbs.

Still in shock by the current situation, I point to the back of the café where the restrooms are located unable to form any words. Without a moment's hesitation, she gets up from her leaned position on the door and races to the safety they will provide her. I hear the door click shut just as a swarm of people with flashing cameras race into the shop. I blink as the realization of what is happening floods over me. I clear my throat and walk over to the camera-covered cockroaches hoping I can get them to leave so Billie does not have to hide out in the restroom all night.

When they see me, they begin bombarding me with pictures and questions pertaining to where Billie is and how do I know her. I hold a hand up to my face as the flashing from the camera hurts my eyes and I begin to feel overwhelmed by all of their hounding.

"Hey" I yell at them, my voice coming out surprisingly steady despite the anxiety building up in me. "This place is closed which means all of you are trespassing. So I suggest you leave right now before I call the cops." I say to them the clicks of their cameras stopping once I mention the police. I take my cell phone out of my back pocket to show them I'm serious and, like the filthy roaches they are, they scurry away. Once the last one exits, I quickly lock the door behind them to ensure no one else can come in.

Leaning against the door, I exhale waiting for the stress of that ordeal to leave my body. I begin to empathize with the young pop star hiding out in the restroom. This is only a modicum of what she has to go through on a daily basis. My admiration for her deepens as I take another deep breath before making my way towards the back of the shop to let her know the coast is clear. I don't know how she does it. "Billie," I say knocking on the door "they're gone now. You can come out."

There's a moment of silence before the lock on the door clicks and she slowly peeks her head out making sure that they are really gone. My heart breaks as I watch her. She has no peace. She always has to be on high alert, always at her best because there are people who are constantly watching her. Waiting to capture her at any and every moment. I can't imagine being under all that stress all the time.

"I'm sorry." I breathe out meeting her ocean blue eyes.

She looks at me confusion dancing across her beautiful features. I shake my head "I was so stressed out and overwhelmed and they were only in here for maybe five minutes max."

I feel a tear slip down my cheek as I talk. "You have to go through that every time you step out of your house. That has to be so taxing on you, mentally and physically, and yet you always put a brave face on for us fans. I admire you so much." I confess to the small woman before me. When she doesn't say, I realize how weird I must sound and instantly regret saying anything at all. I chuckle awkwardly, wishing the earth would swallow me up now. "Um," I say wiping away the few stray tears that escaped "you should probably go out the back door just in case they're waiting for you out front." I say, pointing down the hallway to where the door is. I turn to leave, but a hand reaches out and stops me.

"Thank you." she tells me and I smile down at her. Happy that I was able to help the person who has helped me through so much. She then pulls me into a hug and I stand there shocked while my brain processes that Billie Eilish, as in five-time Grammy-winning Billie Eilish, is currently hugging me.

My arms move to wrap around her in disbelief. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be hugging my idol, let alone hugging her at the café I work at.

"I'm just glad I was able to help you. I know it's not much, but after everything you've done for me, it's the least I can do."

She pulls back and smiles at me. "Trust me. Today has meant more to me than you realize."

I smile at her. "Well, I'll be happy to do it again. Anytime you need to hide, you know where to find me."

"Sounds like a plan."

She smiles at me and I smile back with a small wave. She waves before turning and exiting out the back door. I exhale still not believing what just happened. Suddenly, I don't hate working closing shifts so much anymore.

Hey Guys, it's me! This one was kind of shit not gonna lie, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. If you did, then please vote, comment, and share! Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will help me dearly as the author. For those waiting for part 2 of A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words, I will have it for you next week! Thank you for reading, I appreciate it so much!!! See you next update, au revoir!

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