Update (2): Fandom Drama

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Hey, it's me again. 

So, there is A LOT going on in the fandom right now. It seems as if the majority of the fandom is mad at Billie and some people have actually left, which is crazy. This whole situation has gotten crazy honestly. TMZ is reporting on one of the issues and someone actually told Billie they wished Berlin had happened-- that is fucked up on so many levels. The controversy is getting out of hand. 

Anyway, my point in this update is that it doesn't feel right to me to be making happy imagines about Billie when the fandom is so divided and so many are mad and disappointed with her. It feels weird and like I'm trying to ignore what's going on (which is a lot of the reason why people are mad with Billie), so what do you guys want? 

If you want me to keep writing imagines, that's fine and I will do that. But if you think I should take a hiatus until the drama is over, I will do that as well. Let me know, please!

I hope you all are safe and happy. And whatever your opinion may be on the situation, just remember that this drama is affecting real people. They have emotions and feelings just like you. You can be hurt and upset with someone without saying horrible and hurtful things to them. Spread kindness and love. 


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