Who Let The Dogs Out?

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"Ow!" I cry out as I have just been pushed to the floor by my best friend. "That hurt." I whine rubbing the side of my body that had the greatest impact with the floor. She shrugs her shoulders unsympathetically and says "You deserved it." before continuing to type on her laptop ignoring my existence.

I don a hurt expression and put a hand over my heart pretending to be hurt by her words. She's right. I would have done the same thing to her if she was incessantly poking me in my side and aggressively saying my name. It's not my fault though! I have been sitting on her couch bored out of my mind for the past two hours waiting for her to finish up her assignment. I tried keeping myself entertained, which worked for a while, but there is only so much TikTok a person can take before their brain begins to rot. I pout on the floor sulking to myself.

"You invite me to hang out with you and then ignore me for two hours. What kind of a person does that?" I ask frustratingly getting up off the floor. She sighs before finally looking away from her laptop and facing me. "You're right, I'm sorry. This is taking me longer than I thought it would. How about you run down to the farmer's market and get some snacks?"

I smile happily at the thought of going to get food. "Sounds like a plan!" I say, excited to finally have something to do. I grab my phone off the couch and put on my sneakers and mask making my way towards the front door. "Can you take Trixie with you?" she asks me referencing her cute little pomeranian who perked up at the sound of her name being called. "Sure thing." I say walking over to the excited furball who is yapping happily.

Once I leash her up, I head out the house and begin our walk towards the farmer's market in this area. I put in my earbuds and start shuffling songs by my favorite artist, Billie Eilish, who I absolutely adore, and soak up the nice weather outside. The warmth makes me giddy and puts me in a better mood as I stroll through the quiet neighborhood my friend lives in. It never ceases to amaze me just how sunny and warm it always is in Los Angeles, especially growing up in Connecticut, the constant warmth is jolting, but I welcome it with open arms.

The walk to the market is fairly decent, about a mile, but I don't mine because it gives me something to do while F/N is busy. Plus, there is a nice breeze to counteract the rising heat of the L.A. sun making this a very pleasurable walk. About halfway through, Trixie stops to do her business and I am thankful I thought to grab a baggie when I left the house or else I would have had to pick it up with my hands. Disgusting.

"Sit." I command causing her to do as she was told so I can pick up what she put down. Knowing she is well trained, I let go of her leash and bend down so I can pick up her droppings.  While I am down there, Trixie starts growling and before I have time to react she takes off, chasing after whatever got her riled up. I groan knowing I have to run after her and take a deep breath before sprinting full speed to chase her down. "Trixie!" I shout at the puff ball, who surprisingly moves very for being so small, hoping that she will come to a stop.

"Trixie, stop!"

I chase her down the street and gasp once I see what she was after. She is now aggressively attacking whatever object the larger pitbull in front of her had. "Trixie, no!" I command finally catching up to the small dog. She momentarily pauses to look at me before turning her attention to the black pitbull who is curiously sniffing her. I am thankful that this dog, who is two times her size, is being well behaved because this dog could eat her in one bite. "I am so sorry!" I say to the owner grabbing Trixie's leash and pulling her away from the larger dog. "She just got away from me. Normally, she is so well-behaved. I don't know why she-" my statement gets cut off with a gasp as I finally look to see who the owner of the pitbull is. I would recognize those neon green roots peaking through her beanie anywhere.

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