Apologies and Christmas Prompts

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Hi Everyone!

So you may have noticed that I disappeared for awhile and I'm really sorry!!! College in-person is a whole lot more time consuming than college online and I have REALLY bad time management skills (which I'm working on improving). However, the semester is coming to an end and I have a free schedule again. Not only that, but.... IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME!!!

Christmas is my FAVORITE time of year, so to celebrate and to make up for going MIA for so long, I'm doing a 25-day Christmas Challenge. This means, starting today, I will be releasing a Christmas themed imagine everyday until Christmas. Even better, you guys get to choose the imagine for each day! How exciting is that!?

So at the end of this update (and the end of every imagine going forward) I will have the list of prompts for you to vote on and whichever prompt has the highest votes gets to be the next imagine. I thought this would be a good idea and a nice way for me to interact with you all. I hope you all are as excited about this as I am! I'm looking forward to starting this 25-day Christmas Challenge with you all! Love you guys and I apologize for my extended absence. Be safe, take care of yourself, and be kind to others. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!❤️


- "Is that mistletoe?"
- "No, no, no! Get away from those presents!"
- "Baby, all I want for Christmas is you!"
- "You know, this Christmas cookie frosting would taste so much better on you."
- "I've never seen snow before! It's so beautiful."
- "You've ruined the sanctity of Christmas!"
- "You peed on Santa!?"
- "Mrs. L/N, your child is at Mall Security."
- "For the love of Christ, will you please put some clothes on!
- "You're banned from Christmas for the next 10 years!"
- "It's not my fault you like living in Antarctica."

- Secret Santa
- Ice Skating
- Decorating the Tree
- Meeting Billie's Family
-Billie Meets Your Family
- Christmas Morning w/ Kids
- Christmas Morning w/o Kids
- Snowed In
- Tree Shopping
- Christmas Eve Night (NSFW)
- Christmas Eve Night (Wholesome)
- Spilling Coffee on Billie
- Car Breaks Down and You're Caught In the Snow

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