A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

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I wake up with a massive headache and roll over with a groan expecting to feel Billie next to me, but instead am met with cold sheets. I sigh before finding the willpower to sit up and get of bed. The sudden movement causes a new wave of pain to rush through my head and another groan escapes my lips.

Mentally cursing my past self for thinking it was a good idea to get white girl wasted, I check my phone and see that 2 in the afternoon. Damn. I also see have a bunch of missed calls and texts from various people, but I don't have the mental capacity to return any of them. However, one text from my best friend catches my attention.

You need to watch TMZ. NOW.

"Billie!" I call out wincing at the volume of my voice and the earthquake it just caused in my head. Not hearing anything, I assume Billie's out, after all, it is 2 p.m., and groggily make way to the kitchen to treat this hangover.

I pop in two capsules of Advil and down them with a glass of water. Deciding to follow up on F/N's message, I turn on the tv in the living room and find TMZ. My mouth drops wide open as I see the report.

"Model, socialite, and girlfriend of Billie Eilish, F/N L/N caught getting a little too close to fellow model Kaia Gerber, during Gerber's 20th birthday."

The screen then shows several photos of Kaia and me cuddle up on one another before resting on a photo of us kissing. All the blood drains from my face and I feel my body grow cold.

"This must come as a shock to Eilish because in her latest interview with Zach Sang, the singer-songwriter was asked about the status of her relationship with L/N and she said they were stronger than ever."

My heart starts racing and my head begins spinning. I feel as if I'm about to faint. This is not happening. I must be dreaming, that has to be what's happening right now.

"Personally, I'm shocked. I was really rooting for the two of them. I can't imagine how Billie must be feeling now."

Oh my gosh, Billie.

I rush up the stairs and grab my phone off the nightstand quickly dialing Billie's number. It rings twice before going to voicemail.


My breath quickens as I dial her number for a second time only for it to go straight to voicemail. No, no, no. This cannot be happening. I try three more times only to get the same results.

Distraught, I sink to the floor and sob. My whole world is collapsing around me and I feel like I can't breathe. The one person I want to run to, the one person I know would make this all better won't answer my calls.

No, I won't accept this. I'm not gonna lose Billie because of some stupid pictures that don't even mean anything. I'm not gonna allow this to happen. Billie needs to talk to me. I know that once I can get her to hear me out all of this will go away. I grab my phone from off the floor and open up my messages app. If she won't answer my calls, then she'll at least have to read my texts.

Billie, please talk to me. It's not what you think.

Please, just come home and we can work this out.

Please Billie don't let this ruin us. I love you so much. Just hear me out.

I'm about to text her again when there's a knock on the door downstairs. I run to the door hoping it's Billie, but I am met with Kaia instead. A wave of emotions hit me as soon as I see her face and I breakdown again into her arms.

She leads me to the couch and allows me to sob in her arms. "Sh, it's okay. Everything's gonna be okay." she says soothingly rubbing her arms up and down my back.

"It's not okay. Billie thinks I cheated on her because of some stupid photos. I'm gonna lose my girlfriend because of some stupid game of truth or dare." I tell her brokenheartedly. "You haven't been able to tell her?" I shake my head and release another sob. Who knew that within the span of 24 hours I would wreck my whole life?

My crying must have put me to sleep because the next thing I hear is a very angry "What the fuck?" I jump up to see Billie standing in the doorway her normally bright blue eyes dark and clouded with anger.


"You're fucking kidding me, right? Tell me I did not just come home to see you cuddled up into this bitch's arms."

"Billie please-" Kaia starts, trying to mend the situation but gets cut off by a fuming Billie. "No, bitch. I don't wanna hear what you have to say. Matter of fact, get the fuck out of my house."

"Billie, if you just let us explain what happened then we can work this out."

"What is there to explain? That you got caught cheating on me and now you're trying to feed me some bullshit excuse so that I'll take you back. Get your things and get the fuck out of my house."

I have never seen Billie this angry before. Normally, she'd give you the opportunity to explain yourself. This is really bad. "Billie, please, I understand that you're upset, but can we please just talk about this. It's not what you think." I plead with her fresh tears streaming down my face.

"It's not what you think? That's the best you got. Grab your stuff and get out. You have 10 minutes." she says before leaving the house. I can't even force my feet to go after her because I'm frozen in shock. I feel as if I've just been gutted. She's done with me, just like that. She didn't even try and fight for us. Two and half years, gone, all because of a stupid drunken dare.

"Y/N?" Kaia calls trying to get my attention. I don't move. "Y/N?" she tries again. Nothing.

I'm stuck. Paralyzed. My worst fear has finally come true and I am shattered. I wish I had never gone to that party. I wish I had never gotten drunk. Billie wanted me to stay with her last night, but I insisted on going to the party to be there for Kaia.


If not for Kaia, none of this would be happening right now. I would still be with Billie. We would probably be cuddling on the couch watching a movie, or baking her favorite cookies. Not here. She tore Billie and me apart.

Kaia reaches out to touch me, but I slap her arm away. "This is your fault." I say turning swiftly to face her. "You destroyed us." I say pushing against her chest.

"Y/N." she says, but I ignore her.

"YOU DID THIS TO ME!" I yell at her, striking her viciously.

Kaia stares at me incredulously before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "You're going through a lot right now" she says opening here eyes "so I'm gonna let you have that one."

"But let's get two things clear." she says stepping close to me. "1. I did not force you to kiss me. You didn't have to accept the dare. You chose to, so if you want to blame anyone for what's happening right now, blame yourself. 2. If you ever put your hands on me like that again, I will not hesitate to put you back in your place. Got it?" she asks, her face a mere few inches from mine. We are so close that I can smell her minty breath as it fans across my face.

I nod my head yes and she backs up with a smile across her face as if she did not just threaten me. "Good. I will be waiting for you in the car." she says before leaving me alone to process what the hell this day turned into.

Wow, what an ending. Would guys like a Part 2??? Let me know. Don't forget that you guys can give me requests of what you want to see. I want this book to feel as personal as possible because it is YOUR (fictional) relationship with Billie. I'm just writing it. Anyway, thank you so much for reading and if you enjoyed then don't forget to vote, comment, and share! Your feedback is greatly appreciated and helps me dearly as the author. Thank you so much for the love I have received so far, it means a lot to me. I will see you see next update, adieu!

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