The Bet

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I thought it would be nice to try out second-person point of view. Let me know what you think! Also, this was a request so I hope this lives up to your expectations. Don't forget you guys can send me requests by leaving a comment (as some of you have done, thank you so much!) or sending me a private message (as this person has done). I will be happy to write whatever you guys want to see. Okay, on with the story!

"Billie!" you call, still buttoning up your shirt which you found flung on the couch of the apartment of the girl you've been sleeping with for the past few weeks. "Finneas is calling you!" you shout as you make your way to the master bedroom finding your lover asleep on the bed that the two of you had many good times in. Smirking to yourself, you take a few steps backward as a brilliant idea pops into your head. Eyeing the sleeping girl on the bed, you crouch down preparing yourself to pounce, and take off charging at the sleeping figure.

When you're about to hit the bed, you jump, bouncing wildly on the bed causing the blonde-headed girl to wake up, a confused expression on her face. Looking down at the young pop star in bed, you give her an innocent smile which she returns before you say "If you don't get up, I'll be forced to start tickling you." You smirk knowing that Billie is secretly very ticklish. With a groan, Billie rolls back over to fall asleep, ignoring your threat, and you raise an eyebrow questioningly at her. "3..." you begin to countdown but the girl remains unmoved, "2..." you say getting louder giving her a warning that she better move, "1!" you shout beginning to tickle the girl causing a fit of laughter to erupt from her.

You attack her stomach-- tickling at the sides --before moving to her neck, causing her to laugh louder and beg you for mercy. After a few more seconds, you finally relent feeling you've tortured the girl enough, and get off from on top of her. "Jesus, you are a devil woman," Billie says to you after catching her breath, sitting up on the bed. You laugh giving her a quick peck before saying "You should've gotten up." She shakes her head at you as she watches you get out of her bed in nothing but a button-up and some underwear. She's tempted to pull you back in the bed and have a reiteration of what happened last night, but your next words stop her.

"Finneas called you," you say skipping out of her room, collecting more of your clothes along the way. Billie groans before getting out of bed, already knowing what the call was about. She leans against the doorframe watching you get dressed-- her eyes darkening. "Aren't you going to call him back?" you ask, noticing her presence and looking up to meet her lust-filled ocean orbs. "Nah, I already know what he wants. Come with me," Billie says, walking back into her bedroom. "Where exactly?" you ask following behind her. "To the studio," she says in a duh tone and you roll your eyes.

She picks up the rest of the clothes that were scattered across the floor last night and walks them to the bathroom, you watching her the whole time. "You sure that's a good idea?" you ask her and she shrugs her shoulders, walking into her closet to get a new change of clothes. You shake your head at her total disregard for the rules. But you would be lying if you said it wasn't one of the many things you love about her.

You were ashamed to admit that you had fallen for the 19-year-old, not because you didn't want to love the blonde girl, but because you knew it was only going to lead to heartbreak. Because of the public image Interscope has set up for her, they won't allow Billie to date anyone other than guys. So a relationship between the two of you is strictly out of the question. You're fine with it though. You rather spend these short moments fucking around in secret than to have to go without her forever.

Billie walks out of the closet, bringing you out of your thoughts, fully dressed and smiling at you. You smile back as she asks "Ready to go?" You nod your head and she gathers her things the two of you walking hand-in-hand out of the apartment complex. The whole ride to the studio the two of you held hands, laughing and giggling with each other. You two act like a couple already: holding hands, kissing often, sleeping together, whispering in each other's ear about any and everything. You were cute together and the people around you thought so too as you guys were not as sneaky as you thought.

When you get to the studio, you sadly let go of each other's hands, already longing for the other's touch. You enter the building laughing and talking as if you weren't a couple and Claudia and Finneas share a look. "They're definitely sleeping together," Finneas says and Claudia smacks his arm. "No way. They're totally dating though," she says, turning to look at the two of you. "Wanna bet? Whoever loses has to give the other ten dollars," Finneas proposes to his girlfriend and her eyes widen. "Finneas, we should not be betting on your sister's love life," Claudia reprimands the ginger before saying "You're so on."

All day while you admiringly watched Billie make music in the studio, Claudia and Finneas intensely watched the two of you looking for behavior that helped support their theory. Even the subtlest glance was proof enough to the two that they were right about the status of your relationship. When Billie took a break, they watched with close attention as the two of you sat together, leaning into one another-- your faces ever so close to touching. You tossed grapes in Billie's mouth to catch and shocked everyone when she let you have some of the fries she ordered because Billie doesn't share.

Things were looking to go Claudia's way the longer the day went on which Finneas wasn't happy about. When you fell asleep on the couch, Billie kept stealing glances at you, a smile on her face as she watched the peaceful face of the woman she loved-- adoring your beautiful features. All the while being watched by her brother and his girlfriend and, unbeknownst to the three of them, her manager.

Claudia and Finneas made eye contact at the sight, each silently communicating through their eyes that this proved their respective point-- though Finneas was beginning to believe Claudia was right. When they are done for the day, Billie wakes you up and you sit up with a yawn ready to get on with the rest of your day. You get ready to leave with your secret lover, but her manager calls her over and you sit back down with a sigh. You look up to see Claudia and Finneas with knowing looks and you look down blushing, knowing that they've figured out.

Danny crosses his arms as Billie walks over, a nervous look on her face. "You are aware that you are not allowed to date another woman," he states looking at Billie for an answer. She looks down guiltily and slightly saddened nodding her head slowly. "Yes, I'm aware," she responds her eyes not leaving the ground. Danny watches her, contemplating in silence a few seconds before speaking "Do you love her?"

"What?" Billie asks snapping her head up, surprised by the question. "Y/N, do you love her?" he repeats and Billie nods with a smile. "I do," she says looking back at you, your cheeks flushed in embarrassment from whatever Claudia and Finneas were telling you "Very much."

Danny nods "Then I won't say anything." Billie's eyes widen at her manager's words a huge smile spreading across her lips. "Thank you so much," she tells him overjoyed by the news. You look up to see Billie happily walking over to you and you smile at her. "Good news I suppose," you say taking in her giddy expression. "Baby," she says causing you to freeze as you're still in the studio and no one is supposed to know "I love you so much and you've been so patient and understanding about my situation, but I'm done hiding us from my friends and family. I want you to be my girlfriend."

Your eyes widen and your mouth drops as you hear what she says. Claudia squeals excitedly beside you and Finneas gives you an approving smile. You look to Billie's manager and see him nodding his head in approval. Your eyes then meet the ocean blue orbs of the woman who has completely stolen your heart and a wide grin breaks across your face. "Absolutely, Billie, I would love to be your girlfriend."

She pulls you in for a long-awaited, passionate kiss and you can hear Finneas gagging in the background causing you to giggle. The two of you break away from the kiss staring deeply into each other's eyes while Claudia begrudgingly hands Finneas a ten-dollar bill.

Thank you so much for reading this imagine. I hope you guys enjoyed and if you did, then please don't forget to vote, comment, and share! Your feedback means a lot to me and helps me dearly as the author. Thank you so much to those of you who have added this book to your reading lists. It truly means the world to me. Don't forget to send requests of what you guys what to see. I will happily write whatever your heart desires. Alright, thank you again for reading and showing love to this book. I will see you all next update, vaarwel!

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