Lock Me Up and Throw Away the Key (2)

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"The Awakening by Kate Chopin, that's a good novel. I liked it." I say to the black-haired girl as I sit across from her, her blue eyes never once meeting mine. I remain unfazed by her willful silence as I have done for the past few weeks. 

After my first three weeks of detox, I needed something to distract myself from the mundane hell that is Madame Laveaux's Home for Troubled Girls. So, I have spent every day trying to unlock the mystery that is Billie O'Connell. When I'm not in therapy or class, I am watching her, like a hawk watching its prey, memorizing her schedule. Every day she wakes up at 8, even though The Roach, that's what I've grown to call her, makes the rest of us get up at 6, and goes straight to Dr. Ozman for her therapy session while the rest of us attend class. During yard time, she stays indoors eating lunch before making a phone call and heading back to her room. Thirty minutes later she comes out for group therapy where she stays silent the whole time, usually staring blankly at the wall or floor. Then, the daily meds are passed around to which she immediately goes to the restroom after taking them. After that, she sits here, pulls out her book for the week, and stays until dinner and bedtime.  At least, she does on the days where I am not visiting Dr. Ozman.

What can I say, a good detective knows their case well. However, that's as much true information as I have been able to gather on her. Of course, I have asked around, but all the girls have conflicting stories on who Billie really is, making it difficult to determine fact from fiction. I was hoping learning her schedule would provide me more information on who she is, but all it has done is leave me with more questions, like who does she call every day exactly at 11 or why does she get to sleep later than the rest of us? What does she do in her room for those thirty minutes and why does she not have class like the rest of us? 

Since I've been unable to get answers to these questions, I come and sit here. I ask her questions that always go unanswered and rant to her about life here. She's a good listener, obviously. 

"As you know, I have heard several theories about you. That you're a serial killer, a satanist, and my personal favorite an alien from outer space." I pause to see if any of the rumors trigger a reaction, but she remains stone-faced, eyes glued to the page. "I have a theory of my own if you don't mind me sharing?" I ask her, knowing I'm not gonna get a response. 

Her silence confirms my thoughts and I begin explaining to the silent girl the theory I have been developing about her. "I think you're a spy and you've been tasked to study us unruly teens for a secret government mission. Why else would you be so silent? You're watching us, taking notes to see which one of us would be best for the government. I hope you've been writing good notes about me. I think I could be good for them, just throwing that out there."

With nothing left to say to her, I get up from the table and go sit next to Madelynn on the couch, her attention captivated by the accented vampires on the screen. "Why do you keep talking to her?" Madelynn asks, shifting her gaze briefly from the TV to me. I shrug my shoulders "I wanna unravel the mystery."

"She is never gonna talk to you." Fiona says from her seated position on the floor, emphasizing the you as if there is something wrong with me.  I scoff, "You don't know that." I tell her, glaring at the back of her dirty blonde ponytail. Fiona and I have never gotten along. She always has some rude, snarky remark to say towards me and I cannot stand her pompous attitude. She acts as if she is not locked away in here with the rest of us, forgotten by society. "Yeah, you never know. Maybe if Y/N harasses her enough, she'll finally tell her to stop." Evelyn says with a giggle, and I playfully hit her. 

"I just find it a little concerning how obsessed you are." Madelynn says and I nod my head understanding where she's coming from. To an outsider, it may seem borderline psychotic how much time I've devoted to figuring this woman out. And yes, maybe I am slightly obsessed, but this is the only thing keeping my sanity. If I throw all of my attention on her, then I won't have to think about how my mom basically threw me away and is now living some marvelous life without me burdening her. Or, as someone who values their freedom, now has no autonomy over their life and is forced to live the rules of some old, stuck-up bitch. Or, while everyone else my age will be living the best years of their lives having life-defining memories, I'll be locked behind these prison walls.

Figuring out Billie O'Connell is keeping me distracted from my dismal reality, I need it. "She's some stupid little junkie what do you expect?" Fiona says, turning around with a smug look on her face. 

That was the last straw. "Fuck you, Fiona. I am so sick of your superiority complex. I don't know if all that silicone you've put in your body has started to fuck with your mind but take a good look around. You are stuck in here just like the rest of us. So please get that big stick out of your fake ass, and shut the fuck up." 

Fiona opens her mouth to speak, but then quickly closes it, clearly not having a response. I take on her previous smug expression and look up to see the whole room's wide eyes on me. It's silent as everyone stares and I feel a sense of unease rise in me. I didn't think I was loud enough for the whole room to hear and I certainly didn't think they would care this much. Maybe I should've stayed quiet, but I just couldn't take one more of her smart-ass comments. 

A clap sounds behind me and it is my turn to stare wide-eyed as I see who it is. Billie stares at me, the hottest smirk I've ever seen gracing her gorgeous features. "Damn, Y/N. I didn't think you had it in you." she says, clearly impressed and my mouth drops wide open along with everyone else. I have been talking to Billie for almost two months and she has not once ever acknowledged my presence.

"Hi." I breathe out, not really knowing what else to say. If I'm being honest, I never actually expected I would be able to get Billie to talk. She's been here for two years and none of the other kids has ever gotten a word out of her, so why would I be able to? Yet, here she is speaking to me. 

She laughs and I feel my heart flutter, the sound is so melodic. She makes a gesture with her finger and it isn't until Madelynn nudges me that I realize she's asking me to follow her. Still in a daze, my body gets off the couch and follows her down the hall. 

She leads me to a door labeled pool before pulling me inside. I didn't even know this place had a pool. "So, you've been stalking me for two months and the best you could come up with is government spy." she says with a laugh. I feel my face heat up in embarrassment. When she says it like that, it sounds stupid. "You're a very difficult person to figure out." I say trying to defend myself. 

"At least, I didn't come up with alien."

She nods her head before turning to the pool and taking her shirt off. My eyes widen as her black bra is revealed and my face flushes. "W-What are you doing?" I ask her, trying not to sound so flustered, but failing miserably. She turns to face me that damn smirk on her face. "I'm going swimming." she says as if it is the most obvious thing in the world. "In your underwear?" I ask, my voice coming out smaller than intended. She stares deeply into my e/c colored eyes and I gulp at the intensity of the storm brewing in those ocean blues. She is doing things to me that no person has ever done before. "Well you don't want my clothes to get wet, do you Y/N?" she asks, her voice low as she begins taking off her pants. 

I can't help that my eyes travel down to her body, taking in all her curves. She's more gorgeous than I ever thought imaginable. "You know, if you hadn't been stalking me for the past two months, I'd think you were a pervert." she says, snapping me out of my daydream, the smirk evident in her voice. She knows exactly what she's doing. 

"So Y/N, you wanna solve the mystery of Billie O'Connell?" she says, walking closer to me. I nod my head and she leans down her lips against my ear "Well then, you're gonna have to be a lot more observant." 

Hey Guys, I'm back!!! Finals are over, THANK GOD. I hope you guys didn't miss me too badly while I was gone. I'm sorry if you feel this is lacking, I am trying to get back into the flow of writing after my two-week hiatus. Anyway, I hope part 2 was up to y'all's standards regardless. If you liked it, then please don't forget to vote, comment, and share! It really means a lot to me and your feedback helps me make these imagines more enjoyable for you guys. Don't forget to send in requests! I will literally write almost anything you guys ask for. OH! As for the gifs, I will be adding those into the next imagine, so that is something to look forward to! Thank you so much for reading and for all the support you have shown this book so far. I will see you next update with the requested part 2 of The Opportunity of A Lifetime, hasta luego!

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