The Opportunity of A Lifetime (3)

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You sit excitedly in the front row as you wait for Billie's concert to begin. Your original seat was somewhere in the nosebleeds, but after the meet and greet, Billie insisted that you sit front and center at the venue— an opportunity you were not going to decline. You are still amazed by everything that's happened to you so far. What are the odds that you would have run into Billie Eilish herself, get to meet her family, get front seats, and a backstage pass for after the show? You don't know how or why, but you were thanking whatever being out there allowed you to be so lucky.

The show hasn't started yet, but you are already planning how you can afford the next concert. Everything about tonight has felt so magical. The feeling of being surrounded by people who hold just as much love for your favorite person as you do is indescribable. It brings you a sense of euphoria especially since no one else in your life is a Billie fan; it brings you a new sense of belonging and acceptance.

"Hi, I'm Ava," a brunette girl says next to you, holding out her hand. You gladly accept it, "I'm Y/N." She nods her head, "Have you been to a concert before?" Your eyes widen in shock; is it that obvious? "No," you tell her, shaking your head, "This is my first time." Ava nods her head again, a huge grin spreading across her face. "Get ready," she tells you enthusiastically, "This is going to be the best night of your life."

As soon as she says that, the lights begin to flicker and the entire auditorium erupts into cheers. Everything goes dark and you see a silhouette move onto the stage before a spotlight is placed onto them. An ecstatic scream leaves your lips as you see Billie on stage, the people around you screaming her name just as thrilled as you are. Billie looks out into the crowd, the same thing she does every show, a soft smile tugging on her lips when she sees you. Knowing this is your first concert, she is determined to make this her best show.

Billie jumps into the air and the intro to Bad Guy begins thumping through the auditorium. You cheer excitedly and begin bouncing up and down to the beat. Ava joins you and soon everyone in the pit is jumping around wildly, screaming the lyrics at the top of their lungs. You laugh, reveling in the freedom and joy this moment is bringing you. Ava and you bond quickly throughout the concert; her taking you under her wing as this is your first time. The two of you jump sporadically together during the fast songs and sway softly together during the slow songs. You are having the time of your life and Billie can tell, as she hasn't taken her eyes off of you the entire night, enjoying your cheers and praises. A wide grin spreads across her face, knowing she's delivering on her promise to you. She turns to her brother, whispering the song she wants him to play next. He nods his head, going to the keyboard, ready to play your favorite song of hers.

"Hey everybody, how ya'll doing tonight?" Billie asks the audience and all of you erupt into cheers of praise. She smiles, "Good. This next song is dedicated to someone special in the audience tonight." The music starts and your mouth drops as you hear the beginning of your favorite song. "Oh my gosh, this wasn't even on the set list," Ava whispers to you and you feel a blush creep on your face. You can't help but think you're the special someone she's referring to since Billie asked you what your favorite song was minutes before the start of the concert and— as you use discovered— had no intentions of playing it beforehand. Surely it's coincidental. After all, you just met Billie, there is no way you could be the special someone.

You look up to see Billie staring at you and another blush creeps up your cheeks. You duck your head, expecting her gaze to be gone when you look back up, and are surprised to see her still staring at you— a breathtaking smile on her lips. Your heart flutters in your chest as she sings the words to your favorite song directly to you. It feels surreal and you wonder if you're dreaming this very intimate moment between you and Billie.

All too soon, the song ends and it is the screams of the fans around you that remind you where you are. Dazed, you join in on their claps of praise and Billie chuckles, sending you a wink. Your face heats up again and Ava shakes you excitedly, "Oh my gosh, Billie just winked at you." You smile at your newfound friend who seems to be more excited about what just occurred between you and Billie then you are. The slow tempo beats of Bitches Broken Hearts begins and you squeal excitedly, this song being another favorite of yours. "Dance with me!" Ava says gleefully beside you and you nod your head, happy to oblige. She grabs your arm, spinning herself in slow circles, and you laugh.  She begins swaying her hips and you follow suit, giggling as you dance with each other.

Billie's nostrils flare as she watches the two of you dance, your hips grinding into the brunette next to you. She suppresses the growl threatening to erupt from her lips— Billie nor Euterpe being very happy about someone dancing like that with what's theirs. Billie stops singing, but you think nothing of it as she has done this several times throughout the night to let the fans fill in the words. As expected, the audience continues the words to the song as Billie marches off the stage— unbeknownst to you.

You continue to dance with Ava, your eyes closed and your worries gone, just enjoying yourself and living in the moment. Suddenly, everyone around you starts screaming wildly and you open your eyes to see Billie herself making a beeline towards you. Your eyes widen in shock, not expecting this to happen. As she walks through the crowd of ecstatic fans, who are ruthlessly throwing themselves at her, you realize she's glaring daggers at you and Ava and you gulp.

Two emotions are coursing through you as Billie makes her way to where you are standing— unfazed by the frantic fans— and you aren't sure which is more prominent. Fear that something bad is about to happen, or arousal from the possessive look in her eyes.

Hey Guys, it's me!!! As promised, here is part 3 to The Opportunity of A Lifetime. I'm glad you all have been enjoying this series, but there is one person I want to dedicate this chapter to, and that is @thebluewolf77. I know how in love you are with this series and your support really means a lot to me, so thank you so much for being here and continuously showing the series your love.

As always, thank you to all of you for reading and showing my book love and support. It really does mean a lot to me. I hope you all enjoyed! If you did, please vote, comment, and share. Your feedback is very important to me and helps me dearly as the author. It can be a hi, or a heart, or even some constructive criticism. I love to hear you guys' thoughts. Part 3 of Lock Me Up and Throw Away the Key will be out update after next. Also, I'm really proud of myself for getting this imagine out early. Usually I update at like the very end of the week, so this is a big accomplishment for me.

Anyway, thank you all again for being here and supporting the book. Don't forget you can request imagines (no pressure if you can't come with any). I am open to write most anything. Be safe, take care of yourself, and be kind to others. I will see you all next update, tot ziens!

(P.S. Anyone else hating the dryness in the fandom right now? I need Billie to come back and talk to us)

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