The Next Step

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"Billie!" you call as you enter your girlfriend's home, finding all the lights out. The home is deathly silent, making you frown as that is highly unusual. Every time you come over to Billie's home, something is happening-- that's just how Billie is. "Billie?" you call again, slightly nervous as you walk deeper into the home, "I got your text message!"

Again, you are met with silence, which does not help to ease your concern. Has something happened to her in between the time she texted you and now?

Nothing in the home seems out of place, and all the windows and doors are intact, so no one has broken in. You pull out your phone as you walk into the kitchen, ready to call the green-rooted girl when you look up and gasp at the sight before you. Through the floor-length windows in Billie's kitchen, you can see into her backyard, which she has decorated in fairy lights and white paper lanterns. There's a giant sheet hanging up in the middle of the yard and you smile softly to yourself as you realize what's happening.

"Billie," you say again as you enter her backyard causing her to turn and face you. "Hey, baby," she says with a smile, "Do you like it?"

Now that you are outside, you have a better view of the setup and you can't help but stare in awe. In front of the makeshift movie screen, is a huge blanket with a pile of pillows and other blankets. Behind that is a large teepee with more fairy lights running down the sides of it. Over to the side is a beautifully decorated table with lots of snacks, including popcorn and all your favorite candies. You gasp as you get to the end of the table, your eyes widening in surprise. "Billie is that-" you ask, cutting yourself as you turn to face her-- disbelief gracing your features. Billie nods; a huge grin on her face, proud of what she accomplished. On the table lies a dish of specially made vegan cookies and cream tiramisu, a dessert that only comes from one restaurant in the entire state of California-- and it's two hours outside of Los Angeles.

Tears well up in your eyes as you think about how much effort Billie put forth to do all of this for you. You wrap your arms around your girlfriend's shoulders, pulling her into a tight embrace. You are extremely thankful to have someone so thoughtful and caring in your life. Billie laughs, happy with your reaction, "I guess that means you like it." You nod your head, unable to come up with the words to describe just how happy you are. "I can't believe you did all this," you tell her as the two of you separate. You know that the movie date isn't anything grand, but the fact that Billie took the time to decorate her backyard and drive a total of four hours to get you your favorite dessert means a lot to you.  

"It's no big deal," Billie says with a shrug and you smile lovingly at your girlfriend. "I thought we could have a double feature and watch our favorite movies," she says, informing you of her plan and you lean over, kissing her cheek. "Who knew you could be so romantic," you tease her and she rolls her eyes, but you can see the blush forming on her face. "I'm gonna start the movies, you grab us some food," she says, turning to walk towards the projector near the back of her house.

Admiringly looking around the adorably decorated backyard, you smile softly to yourself still not believing how lucky you are to have found and fallen in love with someone as amazing as Billie. She is truly one of the best things to have ever happened to you. You collect some snacks for the two of you to eat, of course grabbing a slice of the tiramisu for the two of you to share, before making your way to the teepee where Billie is waiting-- a smile on her face. She is so ridiculously in love with you that it's borderline insane. Billie cares so deeply about you which is part of the reason why she planned this date for you. She knows she's not the best at expressing her feelings and sometimes takes you for granted, so she wanted to show you how much you mean to her by setting up a movie night where you could just relax for the evening-- spend quality time together.

You set down the tray of food before snuggling into your girlfriend's arms. Billie already took the pillows from outside and spread them out inside the teepee so the two of you could lay comfortably inside. You grab one of the blankets from the pile outside and spread it over the two of you before grabbing some food and munching happily on your snacks. That's how the two of you spend the next four hours as you watch each other's respective favorite movie, snuggling into one another, giggling, and cutely feeding the other. There were even a few moments of missed scenes because the two of you were deeply engaged in an intense makeout session.

When the end credits of the final movie begin to play, you sit up with a yawn ready to go home and crawl into bed. "This was fun, Billie. Thank you so much," you tell her, pecking her lips as another blush begins to form on her face. "You know, it's pretty late. You should just spend the night," she tells you as you crawl out of the teepee. You nod your head with another yawn, agreeing with her statement.

Billie begins fiddling with her thumbs which catches your attention. "What's wrong, Billie?" you ask her, grabbing her hand in yours. "Well, I was just thinking maybe you didn't have to just sleep over," she tells you shyly, her eyes on the ground. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, "What do you mean?"

She sighs before locking her ocean blues with your e/c. "Would you, maybe, want to move in me?" she asks you and your eyes widen in shock. Billie and you have only been dating for six months, this would be such a huge step in your relationship. "Are you sure you want that?" you ask her hesitantly, your mind racing with how many ways this big step could go. On the one hand, this could go incredibly well and be the stepping stone on your way to marrying Billie. On the other hand, this could progressively move your relationship too quickly and end up sabotaging what you have with her. However, with one look in Billie's eyes and her following words, all your fears dissipate. "I've never been more sure of anything. When I'm with you, I'm happier than ever. I love you so much and I'm ready to take this next step with you if you are.

A huge grin breaks across your face as you begin nodding your head, "Yes, Billie. Nothing would make me happier." Billie smiles gleefully as she pulls you into her, your lips meeting hers. The intense love the two of you have for one another pours into the heated kiss and leaves the two of you gasping for air as you separate.

"I love you too, Billie," you tell the green-rooted girl, a smile on your lips, "So much."

Hey Guys, it's me! You wanted me to keep writing, so I did. I'm actually really grateful for the feedback because I love interacting with you guys, so thank you to those of you who encouraged me to keep writing. I hope you guys enjoyed this cute little imagine because, I'm going to be honest with you all, lately I feel like my writing has been garbage. I don't know if that's just me being too in my head though, so if you did like it, then please don't forget to vote, comment, and share! If you didn't like it, leave me feedback as well. I'm all for constructive criticism. 

I don't know how up-to-date any of you are on the drama that's going on right now, but if any of you would like to talk about it, my messages are always open. I know that this is a very upsetting and anxiety-driven time for the fandom, so if you need a place to vent (FREE OF JUDGEMENT), I am here. It honestly doesn't even have to be about the fandom drama, just whatever is going on, I am always available to talk. 

Don't forget you can also send in requests for imagines you want to see, I am always taking those as well. Be safe everyone, take care of yourself, and be kind to others. Amazon Prime show is coming out soon (Billie looks and sounds so good!), don't forget to watch on June 17th. I will see you all next update, annyeong!

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