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'all these people think loves for show, but i would die for you in secret'-peace

After a thoroughly hilarious (and slightly dangerous) piggy-back ride up to the castle, the pair chuckled as they climbed one of many staircases

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After a thoroughly hilarious (and slightly dangerous) piggy-back ride up to the castle, the pair chuckled as they climbed one of many staircases.

"Where are we going?" Ophelia switched their conversation suddenly, realising they weren't headed in any particular direction. Harry frowned slightly before laughing again.

"No idea." The bespectacled boy looked down the left corridor at the top of the stairs before turning back to the ravenclaw girl. "This way?"

She grinned and followed him along the corridor, skipping every few steps to keep up. Harry wasn't exactly tall, but his legs were certainly a lot longer than the second years, and he had a habit of walking like he was on a mission. Ophelia didn't mind, but it was talking a lot of her energy to match his pace, and her toes were becoming icy against the stone floor. I could really use a cup of tea right now, she pondered as they turned down yet another corridor.

"Harry? Ophelia?" A voice from inside one of the classrooms startled both Ophelia and Harry. They doubled back on themselves to see Professor Lupin peering out of the door.

Remus' stomach flipped. He'd almost gone into shock seeing his old best friends chattering together as they walked past the door, sending him back to 1976 in a brief moment of confusion. Of course it wasn't them, Lily and James died a long time ago now, but the similarities between them were almost unnerving. Still, he put on a smile, greeting the ghosts of his past.

"What are you doing?"

Harry stepped forward first, putting on a would-be casual voice, "Everyone's at Hogsmeade." He shrugged.

"We're just going on a walk." Ophelia piped up, unsure whether they were in trouble, or if the Professor was just curious. His expression was difficult to read. "To the library. Studying, you know." The small lie made the redhead cringe. She hated it.

"I see-" the professor stopped as his eyes landed on the girl's feet, a furrow forming on his brows. "Ophelia, where are your shoes?"

The redhead in question smiled sheepishly as her face flushed pink, almost matching her left sock. "I forgot them." Suddenly aware of how stupid it sounded, she began to glow an even deeper colour.

Without a word, Remus disappeared back into the classroom for a moment, before re-emerging with a pair of black boots, handing them to the girl with an encouraging nod. The boots, of course, were at least five sizes too big, and her feet were lost inside as she slipped them on. She tied the laces as tight as she could, but they still hung loose around her ankles.

"Thank you." Ophelia did her best to hide the ridiculousness she felt, pretending she didn't look like one of the clowns she'd seen at that muggle magic show all those years ago. Remus chuckled before pointing his wand at the boots. Almost immediately, they began to shrink, fitting her feet perfectly.

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