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'you're alive, you're alive in my head'- marjorie

"Really nice work today, Ophelia," Professor Lupin rubbed his hands together in an attempt to warm them, pouring some hot chocolate into a mug, "I think it's safe to say you've mastered it

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"Really nice work today, Ophelia," Professor Lupin rubbed his hands together in an attempt to warm them, pouring some hot chocolate into a mug, "I think it's safe to say you've mastered it."

"Thank you, Professor," Ophelia could see her breath as she went to pick up the ice block from the floor, peering in at the beetle frozen inside. Focillo. The ice melted in her palm as the little beetle wriggled around, "there we go little guy." The girl gently set the bug on a window ledge, watching it scuttle away, before sitting at the Professor's desk, helping herself to the mug of hot chocolate that had been set in front of her. 

Remus took a seat opposite, bringing the steaming cup up to his lips before moving it away again.

"Before I forget," Remus set his cup down, bending down to rummage through one of his many drawers, "I spoke to Harry the other day- aha!"

The professor produced a small book, flipping it open to a particular page, pushing it across the desk.

"Do you know what that is?" Ophelia nodded, studying the pages as her hands hugged her cup.

"A Patronus charm." Remus smiled, pulling the book back, sliding it back into a different drawer.

"I've agreed to teach Harry to conjure a patronus after Christmas." It had been a few weeks since the quidditch incident, and Ophelia could see Harry was on edge- the dementors had been sent away, but it didn't change the fact that the Potter boy was scared. 

"As you two get on so well, how would you feel about him joining our Monday lessons?"

Of course, Ophelia agreed. Harry had become one of her closest friends since her first year (much to Ron's annoyance) and they'd become quite the pair. They didn't see each other too often, being in different years and different houses, but if Ron and Hermione were bickering, or if Ginny had gone to study, they'd often find each other beside the tree down by the lake. It was peaceful there, and they could talk for hours about nothing at all. She could see all Harry needed was a friend to listen, to understand. She'd grown up with Ron and loved him very much, and although he was a great friend to Harry, she knew he lacked empathy. Harry was either surrounded by sympathetic people who saw his life as one great tragedy, or those who chose to ignore who he was all together. Ron tended to miss things in conversations, flickers of hurt when he'd said something wrong. But Ophelia was observant and empathetic. It was as if she knew exactly what he needed to hear.  

Remus smiled as the girl agreed, sipping on his hot chocolate. Working on the freezing charm always left a cold air behind, and a gentle mist formed above his cup.

"The Patronus charm is really advanced magic isn't it?" a small crease had formed between Ophelia's brows, "I mean, are you sure I'd be able to handle it?"

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