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"what if life could be this way? only the happy parts, none of the terrible, not even the mildly unpleasant."

-jennifer niven

A blanket of snow had covered the grounds of Hogwarts by Christmas Eve, 1992

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A blanket of snow had covered the grounds of Hogwarts by Christmas Eve, 1992. The Weasley siblings, accompanied by Hermione, Harry and two Ravenclaw first years, were wandering across the now white training grounds.

Leading the group was Percy, who was attempting to make his way back to the castle after his siblings had forced him to join them on their 'family outing'. Slightly behind the prefect was Harry, who had been talking to Elijah Wood about quidditch, knowing he was the younger brother of his quidditch captain. Just behind them, Hermione was explaining her idea's for SPEW (Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare) to Daisy and Ron, the former being extremely enthusiastic, the latter too busy thinking of the Christmas Eve feast awaiting their return.

Trailing behind the rest of the group were the two sets of Weasley twins, who had been whispering amongst themselves. Ginny and Ophelia had made up the week before, and they were back to normal again, just like the older twins had promised. The four redheads had come up with a plan to ambush the group ahead with snowballs, organising a way to escape one the attack had succeeded.

As the group were nearing the castle, the four twins at the back had started shaping their snowballs.

"Okay, littlest weasels, on three-" George whispered.

"-and remember, run straight for the hills before they turn around." Fred warned.

All four had a snowball in each hand.




Just as Fred had reached one, Daisy let out a small yell as she slipped over.

Before Ophelia had registered what had happened, she launched one of her snowballs towards the group. It flew over the heads of Hermione and Ron, who had bent down to help the fallen Ravenclaw, and sailed past Harry who had seen the ball flying at him and leant out of the way (thanks to his quidditch reflexes), smacking an unsuspecting Percy straight in the nose, exploding on impact.

The entire group stood stunned for a moment. The older twins were holding back sniggers as Percy wiped the snow from his face, making eye contact with the culprit, who swallowed hard. Uh oh.

Without a word, Percy turned away from the group and began to walk away slowly. Ophelia turned to her sister with a guilty expression across her face. This expression quickly turned into shock as ice exploded across her cheek. She turned to see Percy grinning at her, looking slightly proud of his shot.

"Oh it is on Percy Weasley!" Ophelia shouted as she launched her second snowball, accidentally hitting Elijah's shoulder.

War broke out as the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors began dodging and throwing balls of snow across the training grounds. Their shouts, screams and laughter could be heard from the castle as they chased each other around, the older Weasleys grabbing the younger ones and throwing them too.

It was the most fun anyone had had in a long time.


hi sorry its only a short one but i'm super busy with college work so i'll just give you this for now. the next one will probably be short too , i'm just trying to publish as much as i can!

also feel free to comment, it's fun to read :)

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