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'but i can see us lost in the memory'- august

"Enjoying yourself, Mr Potter?" Professor Snape snarled, the torch-like tip of his wand pointed at Harry's face

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"Enjoying yourself, Mr Potter?" Professor Snape snarled, the torch-like tip of his wand pointed at Harry's face. Ophelia had slipped behind a pillar, undetectable in the dark. "What are you doing wandering the corridors at night?"

Harry paused before shrugging matter-of-factly.


Ophelia had to hold back a snort. Sleepwalking? There was no way Snape would believe that.

"Extraordinarily like your father," the potions teacher hissed, "he too was exceedingly arrogant, strutting about the castle."

"My dad didn't strut," Harry snapped before frowning, "and neither do I."

Snape noticed the map in the boy's hand, demanding him to open it. Ophelia held her breath- if the professor could open the map, he would be able to see her standing not five feet away.

"Reveal your secrets!" he muttered, waving his wand above it, before commanding Harry to read it aloud.

"Mr Moony presents his compliments to Professor Snape, and begs him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business."

Ophelia threw a hand over her mouth, suppressing the laughter that was threatening to reveal her whereabouts. Harry continued.

"Mr Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that an idiot like that ever became a professor." Snape's lips curled as Harry read on, clearly enjoying insulting him a little too much. "Mr Prongs agrees with Mr Moony, and would like to add that Professor Snape is an ugly git, and Mr Wormtail would like to bid Professor Snape a good day," Harry paused, raising his brows, "and advises him to wash his hair, the slimeball."

The last sentence alone was enough to leave Ophelia in silent stitches, praying she wouldn't let out an accidental snort.

"You insolent little-" Snape raised his wand, growling at the bespectacled boy who took a few steps back before they were interrupted.

"Professor." Lupin had emerged from the darkness of the corridor, eyebrows furrowed although he remained polite.

He took the map before sending a rather angry Professor Snape on his merry way.

"Goodnight, Severus." Remus smirked, turning his attention to the parchment in his hand, muttering quietly, the map revealing itself. He grinned at his handiwork before calling out into the darkness. "You can come out now, Ophelia."

The redhead crept out, smiling sheepishly at the professor. 

"How did you-?" Harry frowned. Remus raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Believe it or not, Harry, I have come across this before," he tucked it under his arm before turning his attention to the two students before him, "now what are you two doing with it?"

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