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you're alive in my head- marjorie

Daisy was singing along to the record a sixth year had put on in the common room, one Ophelia didn't recognise

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Daisy was singing along to the record a sixth year had put on in the common room, one Ophelia didn't recognise. She assumed it was popular in the Muggle world as Elijah looked just as confused.

Their usual table in the corner was covered in books, spread out with several pages facing the star covered ceiling. Students had been given that October afternoon off to prepare for the arrival of the other two schools competing in the Tri-Wizard Tournament, but, like many of the Ravenclaws, Ophelia, Daisy and Elijah were using it for last minute cramming.

"The Shrinking Solution is the one where you add wolfsbane, right?" Ophelia's flinch went unnoticed as Elijah pressed the edge of his quill into his temple, eyes studying his page before him.

Daisy sighed, shaking her head as she leaned across him, pulling one of the many open books closer to him, "its cowbane,'Lij. It's right here." She pointed at the page.

"Professor Snape is the only one in the school who can brew Wolfsbane successfully," Ophelia laughed lightly, "I highly doubt it would be part of third year exams."

Both Daisy and Elijah blinked slowly, watching the redhead as she continued scribbling on her Arithmancy homework.

"How do you know that, Lee?" 

Ophelia suddenly felt her face flush as she realised exactly how she knew. Her two friends frowned as she opened and closed her mouth, desperately trying to find a cover story. 

Just as she was finally about to string some words together, a first year gasped loudly, pointing at the window.


Thank Merlin for Orla Quirke and her incredible observation skills. Ophelia released a breath as her friends joined the girl at the window.

"What is it?" Elijah had his nose against the glass as he sighed, "this better not be like the time you thought you saw a dog by the forest."

Orla rolled her eyes, frustrated. Ophelia felt bad for the first year, as she knew there was indeed a dog by the forest. A very big, black dog. But in order to protect her uncle, she had to let everyone believe the younger girl was seeing things.

"Up there." She pressed her finger against the window pane, and everyone in the common room lifted their eyes.

Sure enough, a dozen winged horses emerged from the clouds, followed by a carriage that appeared a pale shade of blue. Ravenclaw students gaped in awe as it flew closer and closer to the castle.


And, as though the flying carriage wasn't enough, someone pointed down toward the lake. Slowly, a skeletal looking ship began to rise from the water, ghostly yet magnificent as it bobbed upon the water, gliding toward the shore.

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