-you're a keeper-

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so this is a cheeky lil valentines chapter as it was yesterday ;) it isn't important to the story but i am so tired today but i still wanted to update (it's half term for me now so i will 100% try and get the next chapter done tomorrow) 

so this is a cheeky lil valentines chapter as it was yesterday ;) it isn't important to the story but i am so tired today but i still wanted to update (it's half term for me now so i will 100% try and get the next chapter done tomorrow) 

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Rapid knocking woke Ophelia with a start, rubbing her eyes quickly as she attempted to gain her bearings, crawling out of bed. Luna had already got up, leaving the redhead to open the door herself.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming!" she mumbled as she pulled on a jumper, shuffling towards the door. Before she'd even fully opened the door it was shoved open, and she was knocked over by one giggling brown-haired girl.

"Happy Valentines Day!" Daisy squealed as she tackled her friend with a hug.

"Happy what now?" Ophelia frowned up at the blonde haired boy stood in the doorway, who just shrugged, waltzing over to a bed and dropping himself on it.

Daisy calmed down slightly, handing over a big heart shaped box, grinning. 

"It's Valentines day. How did neither of you know that?"

Ophelia took a seat next to Elijah, still completely confused. Judging by the way the boy was looking at his friend, it was clear he didn't know either.

"It's the day that celebrates love and affection?" Daisy stared at her friends in disbelief. "People give each other flowers and go on dates?"

"Sounds gross." Ophelia sighed, looking at the box in her hand.

"They also give each other chocolate." 

Elijah's ears perked up at this.

"I can get on board with chocolate."

Daisy sighed before sitting on the other side of Ophelia, now opening the heart-shaped box for her before handing it back. Elijah grinned excitedly at the array of chocolates inside, looking at his friend as if he were asking permission. 

Daisy nodded encouragingly, and with that, he dove into the box.


"I will never eat another piece of chocolate ever again." Elijah groaned.

It was evening now, and the blonde boy's new favourite holiday was coming to a close as the trio sat in the kitchens. Ophelia attempted to feed the boy a strawberry, but he groaned again, his head remaining on the table.

Daisy simply rolled her eyes, popping a grape into her mouth.

"You do realise the main part of today isn't about chocolate," Elijah groaned again at the last word, but Daisy ignored him, "it's supposed to be about love."

Ophelia snorted as she went to eat her strawberry, causing Daisy to give her a funny look.

"Sorry its just- love?" She continued to laugh, taking a bite out of the fruit. "None of us know what that is."

Elijah raised his head from the table, looking slightly pale. "I am in love." 

Both girls exchanged confused glances.

"But he will never know who I am." He dropped his head back onto the table.

Daisy nudged him playfully before reaching for another grape. "Who is this mystery man?"

"Yeah, go on Wood, enlighten us." Ophelia wiggled her eyebrows playfully.

Elijah simply groaned again, holding his stomach. 

"Maybe another time," Daisy sighed turning her attention to the friend drinking water beside her, "how about you, Lee? You and Harry sure spend a lot of time together."

Ophelia choked on her drink, having to take a minute before she could speak again.

"Harry?" she croaked. Daisy nodded. "No way, we're just friends. I've just been helping him with his patronus recently, that's all." She looked over at the blonde boy before laughing. "It'd be like being in love with Elijah."

A muffled 'oi!' came from the boy beside her.

Daisy sighed, folding her arms in a pretend sulk. "Fine." Elijah groaned once again. "Maybe we should get him back before we see all ten boxes of chocolates again."

Ophelia grimaced before agreeing, helping the girl pull him up.

"Thank you!" she whispered back to the house elves, slinging the possibly sleeping boy's arm over her shoulder. The closest house elf smiled back, giving a small wave.

They strolled down each corridor slowly, stopping every now and then for Elijah to catch his breath. Chocolate really didn't agree with him anymore.

Eventually, the three Ravenclaws made it back to the common room, crashing onto the sofa by the fire, Elijah curled up with his head on Ophelia's lap.

"You know who I do love." Ophelia whispered to the girl beside her, lying her head on her shoulder. "You guys."

Daisy smiled, leaning her head onto the other girl's, taking her hand. "Me too."

"And me." Elijah mumbled, letting Ophelia mess with his hair.

"Happy Valentines." 

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