52. The beginning

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Later the next night, Hop and El sat in the living room on the recliners and shared a bowl of chips and salsa while absentmindedly stuffing their faces. The sound of the tv semi drowned out the music that came from the guest room where Will and Christian spent the entire evening.

"So if you're lost and on yourrrr ownnn, you can never surrenderrrrr", Christian sang to Will as Will repeatedly told him to stop.

"What, you don't like it?", Christian asked with a smirk.

"No", Will responded, holding in his laughter.

The two laughed amongst themselves before starting another make out session.

Meanwhile, Hopper continued to stuff his face and took a sip of his beer. As he threw his headback to finish the can, he burped and noticed that something other than the tv had El's attention.

He followed El's wide eyes and grin and slowly leaned back in the recliner to catch a glimpse of what was going on in the room through the 3 inch crack of the door. As soon as Hopper saw Christian and Will locking lips, he shouted across the room.


Will and Christian looked over with their mouths wide open before El threw the door shut with the flick of her hand.

"Hey!", Hopper shouted again as he set the salsa down on the table.

"Three inch minimum!", he continued as he got up from the chair and went over towards the door. "Leave the door open three inches!"

After a failed attempt at opening the door, Hopper quickly turned around to look at El who failed to hide her smirk.

"Will, El, open this door", he said followed by him banging on the door.

Twisting the knob to no avail, Hopper used his body weight in an attempt to burst through the door.

"Open... the doo-"

Will and Christian sat on opposite ends of the bed pretending to read a magazine when Christian decided to speak.

"What's wrong?"

Hopper looked at the two in disappointment before turning and looking at El who burst into laughter.

Joyce grabbed the basket of folded laundry that she had organized by room and made her way up the stairs. She stopped by every bedroom, placing the kids respective laundry in the dresser. Once she got to Jamie's room, she knocked and waited for an answer.

Joyce peeked her head in and once she saw that Jamie had already fallen asleep, she entered quietly and set the laundry basket down near the dresser. After placing almost all the clothing into their proper drawer, Joyce decided to make room in the top drawer and dump all of Jamie's socks there.

As she opened the drawer, Joyce furrowed her eyebrow as she pulled out a tiny bag of pills and a roll of cash. She gasped and quickly stuffed the items in her bra as Jamie stirred in the bed.

Turning to make a quick exit with the laundry basket, Joyce stopped shy of the door when she heard a voice.

"Joyce", Jamie whispered.

The corner of Joyce's mouth twitched upwards in an failed effort to smile as she fiddled with the laundry basket.


"Can you turn the light off", she finally responded after squinting at her for a few seconds.

"Sure", Joyce said barely audible before flipping the light switch and bumping into Hopper on the way out.

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