40. Memories

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Jamie picked at her food and hadn't taken a bite. With the focus being on Jonathan, she was able to slump down in her chair with out Joyce reminding her of her manners during the family dinner. The sheer thought of Steve betraying her made her sick to her stomach. The sounds of everyone at the dinner table allowed her to lose herself in her thoughts before El nudged her foot from the opposite side of the table. Jamie's head shot up and noticed everyone staring at her.

"I said how was school for you? Geez, you've been real quiet today", Joyce said with a semi concerned tone and an awkward chuckle.

"Realll quiet", Owens echoed causing Jamie to look at him a certain way as everyone else paid him no attention.

"Um, it was great", Jamie said more as a question than a statement.

Joyce and Hopper both looked at her plate and compared it to everyone else's. They both gave each other the same look as they were thinking the same thing. Hopper decided to ask the mutual question, but then changed his mind as he opened his mouth.

"So, anything special happened at school?", he asked innocently.

"Yeah", Owens said as he chewed his food and then swallowed. "Anything special happened at school?"

Jamie looked at everyone at the table. Her eyes fell on El last who wondered why she wasn't acting like herself. Jamie thought for a second and then sat upright in her chair.

Had Owens told her parents about the whole dibacle with Steve? That she'd used her powers in a public setting and left him there to possibly die. She could care less, because it's not like he cared, anyways. Or maybe Owens was trying to get Jamie to confess to her parents about the phone call Owens received shortly after school let out.

"Well, I finished all my detentions which I don't know how I got in the first place", she said.

Owens chuckled sarcastically under his breath earning a subtle glance from Hopper and Joyce. Owens and Jamie locked eyes quickly before Jamie immediately diverted her eyes elsewhere.

"Okay", Hopper said slowly before leaning back in his chair and looking at her plate once again. "Have you talked to Ste- one second, I'll get that", he stopped as the phone rang and slid back in his chair.

"Babe, sit down. I'll get it", Joyce said, scooting her chair back from the table.

Hopper continued to get up as Joyce came around the table and gave his shoulder a squeeze. Hopper winced and grabbed her hand as she flashed a smile and slid past him, bumping him in the head with her baby bump.

"Sit down", she said nicely, but with more authority in her voice.

Hopper sat down and rubbed his shoulder as Joyce made her way to the phone.

"Hello, this is Joyce?", she greeted quietly as a familiar voice spoke to her from the other end.

Jamie watched as Joyce's face ran through a range of emotions. When Joyce locked eyes with her, Jamie loudly dropped her fork on to her plate. Everyone at the table, especially Owens, looked over at Jamie.

"Who was it, babe?", Hopper asked as Joyce made her way back to the table.

"It was the school calling", she said as she side eyed Jamie.

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