47. Ice Ice Baby

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Hopper slid both plates of french toast on the table, and then leaned against the counter with his own plate. Jamie and El stared at their plate, and then at each other.

"That's not how mom makes it", El said bluntly.

"What? I used to make french toast for you all the time what're you talking about?", he replied.

"Yeah... but I like it the way mom makes it more", she tried to explain without hurting his feelings.

"Well, honey, I don't know how mom makes it", he replied out of frustration and threw his plate down on the counter causing both girls to jump.

"Sorry", he scoffed as he met eyes with both girls who then looked away.

He decided to stuff his face in private as he took his plate and coffee mug into his room. As he sat on the edge of the bed, his phone rang causing him to roll his eyes and groan once he checked the caller ID.

"Yes, Flo. I am very aware of what time it is, alright?", he started before Callahan's voice came through on the other end.

"Chief! Chief!", Callahan said breathlessly. "I just don't know how they keep doing it! I promise I tried my best but for some reason they keep pulling this jurisdiction—"

"Woah woah woah! Slow down, what's going on?", Hopper asked confusingly.

"That incident over at Hess Farm last night that you wanted us to take care of?"

".... Yeah?", Hopper replied hesitantly.

"Well our good ole statie friends have the case now."

Hopper nearly choked on hot coffee and banged on his chest as he coughed.

"Woah, you alright chief?", Callahan asked from the other line.

"What do you mean they have the case?!"


Joyce poured a mountain of whipped cream on top of the stack of eggos in front of Will, and then smiled.

"Ta-da! An Eggo Extraord... Extreme...?", Joyce stuttered as her pregnancy brain got the best of her.

"Extravaganza", Will corrected quietly.

"Oh, yes! That's right", Joyce laughed embarrassingly.

Will stared at his plate as Joyce went back over to the stove. She tried not to be so obvious as she watched him pick at his food.

"What's the matter sweetie?", she asked.

"Um... it's nothing", he whispered.

"Why aren't you eating? Are you feeling alright?"

"It's not... exactly how dad makes it."

"Oh", she said surprisingly. "Well what did I get wrong? I can hurry up and fix it before you'll be late for school."

"Everything...", he whispered as to not hurt her feelings.


Jamie let her forehead crash into her arms that were folded on the table. She took a deep breath and tried to sneak in a few more minutes of sleep.

"You need to eat your food before it gets cold", Hopper said as he entered the living room and buttoned the cuffs of his uniform shirt while comparing everyone's plates.

Jamie pulled her head up and looked at her own.

"Why are we up so early?", she asked, referring to her and her sister.

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