2. The reveal

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Nearly a day and a half later, Jamie jolted up from reading her book as the train horn announced their arrival in Indianapolis.

She grabbed her bag as she stepped outside of the train station. She finally took her phone off airplane mode to see if her mom even attempted to contact her, and to also call a cab.

"No text or call. Why am I not surprised?", Jamie said as she rolled her eyes, shoved her phone into her bag and entered the cab.

"Where to Ms. Lady?", the cab driver asked while looking through his rearview mirror.

Jamie uncrumbled the piece of paper that she'd been hiding in her phone case. Her dad's work address. She had found it while rummaging through her mom's purse and knew that her mom wouldn't want her to know anything about her dad. Jamie gives the cab driver the piece of paper and he furrows his eyebrows.

"Hawkins Police Station?... Eh, I've seen worse", the cab driver said as he shrugged and drove in the general direction of the small town. Jamie layed her head against the window as a headache started to form from the lack of sleep and consuming meals with little to no nutritional value. She nodded off.
Jamie was standing with her back in the corner of the room as she heard her mother's plea for David to stop.

"David, stop it! Leave her alone! Please, dont!! Its only 8:30", Diane cried out hoping that he would listen.

David cocked his fist back and swung full force as Jamie quickly turned to shield her body. She took a hit to the collarbone as she kneeled down in pain. David's voice filled the entire house.

"You will respect me as your step-father! When I say be home at 8:00 then God damnit that's what the fuck I mean! I am not going to raise a 15 year old who wants to sneak in and out of my house and hoe around! Do I make myself clear?!", David shouted not even six inches from Jamie's face, his breath reeking of alcohol.

Jamie looked at David, to her mom, and then back at David. Once it was evident that Diane wasn't going to speak up, Jamie decided to fend for herself. "You're not my dad and you never will be! I HATE YOU, AND I HATE IT HERE!", Jamie screamed in his face as tears started pouring down her cheeks.

David grabbed Jamie's wrists that were hidden under her long sleeved shirt and pinned them above her head. Jamie yelped in pain as his grip tightened around her wrists.

"Ouchhh, let go, let go, let go, let go!", she pleaded. The scars were still fresh, and thank God he nor her mom knew about them.

"Okay, David, I think that's enough!", Diane protested as she grabbed his arm.

"Hey!", David retaliated. "Hey.... Hey..."
"HEY!!", the cab driver yelled as he shook Jamie's arm. "We're here."

Jamie jolted awake and took in her surroundings. "Oh, Um.. let me see how much I have." Jamie looked through her bookbag to scramble as much cash as she could. She feared using her credit card incase her mother decided that she had been gone long enough and needed to see where she last used the card.

Jamie handed the driver the cash as she got out of the car and stood infront of the station. She nervously looked behind her as the driver sped off and took that as her cue to enter the building.

Jamie was greeted with an old, musty smell indicating that the place had not been upgraded in years. The smell alone made her nauseous. She exhaled as she approached the receptionist slowly, reading the name plate.

"Florence", Jamie said not realizing that the older lady could hear her.

"Yes, that's me. Always has been and always will. How may I help you, darling? Are you lost?", Flo asked as she peered down at Jamie through the top of her glasses.

"Um... no.. I'm um... here for.. my dad", Jamie whispered.

"What? Speak up Honey I can't hear you. I'm way past 18 now."

Jamie cleared her throat and spoke louder. "Um, I said I'm here for my dad."

"Oh, okay sweetie. What's your dad's name?", Flo asked as she got ready to type his name into the computer to locate his holding cell.

"Hopper. Jim. Jim Hopper..."

Flo stopped in her tracks and stared at Jamie. "What's your name sweetie?", she asked with suspicion and confusion written across her face.

Jamie gulped before responding. "J-Jamie. Jamie Hopper."

Florence sat there for a minute before quietly responding. "Okay, he's out on a call right now Hun, but here just wait in his office until he gets here okay? I'll let him know he has a visitor."

"Thank you.", Jamie said shyly as she made her way to her father's office.

She set her bag down on the floor and walked over to his desk, running her fingers along the edge of it. She came across a picture of her and Sarah, both as newborns. She smiled as she remembered what her picture perfect family used to be. She sat in his desk chair as she stared at his belongings in the room until her eyes came across a familiar object. A trophy on the wall from her cheerleading competition nearly 8 years ago labeled "Jamie Hopper". Tears formed in her eyes, but her attention turned when she heard shouting in the main office.

"Hey Chief, they got you out there chasing pumpkins again I hear huh!", one of the officers called out. Jamie then heard the familiar voice of the receptionist talking to someone outside of her dad's door. Someone with a deep and annoyed tone to his voice. She watched as their shadow stood about 6'4 and then watched as the shadow turned facing towards the office door. Jamie held her breath as she heard the doorknob turn and watched as the door opened slowly.

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