31. Problem child

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It was 7:55 AM when Hopper pulled up to Hawkins High. He handed Jamie a $20 bill and they exchanged their 'I love you's' before Jamie headed inside.

She immediately threw everything in her locker and headed around the corner to find Tommy and Carol lingering at Steve's locker. Jamie huffed and approached the pair who gave her an unpleasant look.

"Have you two seen Steve?"

"No, but it's not unlikely of him to show up late. But I guess that now he's giving all of his attention to you, it is unlikely now. Isn't it?", Tommy replied in annoyance.

Jamie swallowed spit and shuffled her feet.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly what he said", Carol replied before looping arms with Tommy and heading towards their first period class.

Jamie slowly walked in the opposite direction towards her first period class just as the bell rang. She heard the heels clicking throughout the hall of a lady dressed in a pencil skirt suit. As the two crossed paths, Jamie continued walking while the lady did a 360 spin and stopped.

"Excuse me, young lady. You're late!", she shouted in the echoes of the hallway.

"No shit", Jamie mumbled under her breath as she continued to walk.

"What was that? Come here right now."

Jamie huffed and rolled her eyes before turning around.

The lady approached Jamie and examined her body language.

"Can I go now?"

"I don't like your attitude, young lady."

"What attitude?!"

"The one that we'll be discussing later with your parents. In detention."


"That's what I said. Now go on to class. You're already late", the lady smiled before turning around and continuing down the hallway.

"I hate it here", Jamie mumbled to herself as she continued to class.

She walked in her classroom and sat down in the only open seat. As everyone passed their homework forward, her teacher made his way to her desk and stood there.

"Ms. Hopper", he said.

"Mr. Collins."

"Mind if I talk to you in the hallway?", he asked as he didn't wait for an answer and headed out the door.

Jamie slid out of her seat and ignored the 20 pairs of eyes that watched her. Mr. Collins closed the door softly and peeked at the class to make sure no one was trying to slip in any last minute homework.

"Is everything okay, Jamie?", he asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you've only been at Hawking High for about a week and you're already on academic probation because you're failing most of your classes."

"What are you? My advisor?!"

"Actually, I am."

"Oh..", Jamie whispered as she dropped her shoulders.

"Steve Harrington has been kind enough to stop by and get your missing work for you. Has he given it to you?"

"Yeah but... I've been sick these past few days so I haven't been able to get through much."

"No worries. You can catch up on your work after school in my classroom as you serve your detention."

"What?! You know about that already?! That literally just happened five minutes ago."

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