50. Halfway Happy Thanksgiving

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Jamie stood in the middle of the dark street and looked around. She heard her name being whispered from behind her, and turned around to nothing.

"What the fuck", she whispered. "Who's there?"

"You know who I am", a voice said.

Her chest heavily rose and fell with every breath as she stared into the dark street.

"What do you want?!",

"You must stop them."


"They hurt you, Jamie. Now it's time that you hurt them."

"I don't know what that means!", she shouted in frustration.

"You must stop them", the voice repeated.

"It's just in my head. It's just in my head", she repeated to herself while closing her eyes and covering her ears in an attempt to drown the voice out.

When she opened her eyes after taking a few deep breaths, Barb's decaying body laid on the ground in front of her.

"Wake up. Wake up", Barb croaked as she reached out for Jamie's leg.

Jamie screamed to the top of her lungs which was enough to wake herself up. She quickly sat up in the unfamiliar bed and immediately tasted the blood that dripped into her mouth from her nose.

"Hey, heyyy, it's okay. Everything's alright", Hopper whispered as rubbed her shoulder and wiped her nose.

"You're alright", he repeated.

"Where is she?!", Jamie asked out of breath while frantically kicking the covers off of her and looking over the side of the bed.

"What is this? Where am I?!"

"Shhh, this is your medicine. It was just a dream, okay. It was just a bad dream."

Jamie took the pill and without hesitation swallowed it immediately. She finger brushed her hair out of her face and finally looked around the room.

"Where are we? Where's mom?! I want my mom."

"It's alright, she's down stairs getting the table ready. Do you remember anything?", he replied, avoiding her first question.

"There was a red headed girl with glasses an-and she looked dead... IT WAS THE GIRL FROM STE—"

"No, no, hey, hey, shhh. Don't get yourself worked up, okay? I'm talking about back at the hospital? Do you remember anything?"

"Back at the hospital? What? Hospital?...", she whispered before quickly thinking to herself.

Hopper watched her think with his mouth slightly agape. Her eyes raced a mile a minute as her breathing slowed before she finally spoke.

"Me and El. We were waiting and... and we went to get food and we were in line and then... and then-"

"And then....?", he asked while continuing to examine her face.

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