15. The party

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"Is it time?", El asked for the third time impatiently as everyone waited in the living room.

"Yes, El. It's time! It's 12!", Will said in a loud whisper.

El excitedly peeked into the room and stared at Jamie. With a bit of concentration, Jamie felt her nose tickle and smacked herself with her hand causing her to wake up. Once Jamie got out of bed, El quickly and quietly ran back to the living room and hid behind Joyce.

"Alright everyone", Joyce whispered. "1...2...3.."

"SURPRISE!", Everyone shouted and ducked in case something went flying through the air.

Jamie jumped, but then smiled once she saw all of the decorations. She gave Joyce and her dad a hug as El happily joined in, leaving Will to soon join as he felt awkward if he only stood there.

Jamie made her way to the coffee table and saw a small cake with the number 16 and a few brightly colored gift bags. Jamie turned to her father and asked shyly, "Are these for me?"

"They aren't for me, kid", Hopper said with a slight chuckle.

Jamie sat on the couch and started opening bags. Once she pulled out a really cute outfit, she held it up to her and looked at Joyce. She knew there was no way her father could've bought it.

"I really like that one", El said as she sat on her legs next to Jamie.

"Yeah, of course you do because half her damn stomach is out", Hopper said annoyingly as he rolled his eyes while Joyce sat cuddled into him on the La-Z-Boy.

"That's the purpose, Hopper. It's a crop top, and it's cute. She can wear it to the party", Joyce said as she winked at Jamie.

"Nope. Not gonna happen. She has plenty of other clothes to wear now. Plenty that doesn't show the bottom half of her body", he said sternly.

"Well", Joyce said as she took a breath. "It is cold out"

"And she has asthma", Hopper added matter of factly.

"Yes she does", Joyce said obviously.

"Mhm", Hopper interrupted again waiting to hear another excuse as the three children watched their parents.

"But", Joyce started and Hopper rolled his eyes.

"It would look good under this cute flannel", Joyce finished as she reached into the bag and pulled out the button up that lay underneath the shirt.

"Yes! And it goes well together! See, dad?", Jamie said as she threw on the oversized flannel and modeled in the middle of the living room.

"I like it", Will said with a slight shrug which caused El to look over at him and the two started laughing about who knows what.

"It makes me feel... pretty. Please, daddy", Jamie said as she stood there purposefully pouting and batting her puppy dog eyes as she often did when she couldn't have her way when she was younger.

Hopper closed his eyes and grumbled. Joyce quickly threw Jamie a thumbs up and a wink before Hopper looked at her and she acted like she had no clue what was going on.

"Take it off before I change my mind", Hopper said as he placed his hands on his forehead and shook his head.

El jumped up and hugged Jamie, then Jamie went over to hug Joyce.

"Thanks, mom", Jamie said absentmindedly as she hugged Joyce, quickly grabbed her gift bags, and then pulled Will and El into the guest room and shut the door.

Joyce and Hopper sat there silently looking at each other confirming what they've just heard.

"I think you've just been promoted to mom", he chuckled as he leaned in and kissed her.

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