33. Warning

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It was 4:45 A.M and Hopper was struggling to fix his tie due to his nerves. He huffed for the third time before Joyce came over to assist.

"Hey, you okay?", she asked as she straightened Hopper's tie.

He ignored her question and instead focused on the uneasy feeling in his stomach as he watched the clock. She saw the worry in his face, and pushed the knot of his tie against his neck to gain his attention. He looked down at her, and then she decided to unloosen it.

"What's bothering you?", she asked again.

"Just... nervous is all."

"About what, Chief?", she asked jokingly to lighten the mood.

Hopper stuffed his hands into his pockets and started pacing the floor.

"I don't know, just... I'm just overthinking. I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach."

Hopper stopped in his tracks and looked at Joyce as if he had just gotten a bright idea.

"You know what?!"

"What?", she asked as she tucked her shirt into her unzipped pencil skirt that she hadn't worn in months.

"I'm gonna take a crap before we leave. Maybe that'll help", he said as he started unbuckling his pants and headed towards the bathroom.

Joyce chuckled as she started to zip up her skirt. She only got the zipper up only a few inches before it wouldn't budge.

"Shit", she whispered to herself as she looked in the mirror at her stomach. She furrowed her eyebrow and wondered how she gotten so big in such little time. She made a mental note to mention that at their next appointment as she searched the closet for a dress instead.

All of a sudden, screaming could be heard coming from the girls room causing Hopper to run out the bathroom with his pants half way down along with Joyce half dressed.

They both rushed in the room to find Jamie panting in bed while vigorously scratching her arm.

"What's going on?!", Hopper asked breathlessly as he looked at El who was just as clueless as them.

"I don't want to go!", Jamie coughed while starting continuing to scratch.

As Hopper reached in to comfort her, Jamie backed in to the corner of the bed and started scratching at her legs.

"No! Don't touch me!", she shouted at him causing El to get off the bed and move closer to Joyce. "Get away!"

Hopper stopped and furrowed his eyebrows. He held his hands up in surrender and stood there as she sat panting and wheezing in the corner. He quickly searched through her messy bookbag that was on the floor and found her inhaler.

"Here. Here's your inhaler. I'm gonna set it down by your foot, okay?", Hopper spoke softly as he huffed in annoyance.

Jamie anxiously reached for it and struggled to take two puffs as she was too focused on trying to relieve the itchiness of her body. Joyce watched as the blood on her nose slowly dripped down to her upper lip.

"I knew this fucking shit would happen sooner or later", he whispered to Joyce as he turned and left the room.

"It's okay, Jamie. Everything is alr— JIM, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!", Joyce exclaimed as she started to soothe Jamie when Hopper reentered the room with a syringe filled with a clear liquid.

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