49. And then there were 7

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Hopper finally convinced Joyce to go to the hospital and managed to get everyone to throw a few essentials into their own poorly made hospital bag.
As he sped down the street, he constantly checked his rearview and side mirrors for any oncoming traffic.

"Babe, can you go faster?", she kindly asked despite the excruciating pain she was in.

Hopper glanced down at the dash and then back at the road.

"I'm going as fast as I can", he replied and reached to hold her hand.

Joyce squeezed her eyes shut and clenched his free hand as she focused on her happy place in an attempt to try and tune out the bickering going on in the back seat.

"Get off of me you stupid fucking dog", Jamie mumbled to Sammy who constantly rested his head on her lap to comfort her.

El looked over and didn't say anything. She noticed that Jamie became irritable all of a sudden as she shoved Sammy's head off her lap. She then started to dig the dirt from underneath her fingernails and bring her finger to her mouth before El decided to speak up.

"That wasn't nice", she said.


"He's not a stupid dog."

"I don't care."

El huffed and rolled her eyes and mumbled to herself.

"You're stupid."

"No, YOU'RE stupid!"

"HEY!", Hopper shouted as he looked at them through the rearview mirror and pulled into the emergency entrance vestibule.

Both girls ceased their arguing as they climbed out and grabbed the bags while Hopper ran to find help. Joyce managed to slide out of the passenger seat in time for the nurses to rush out with a hospital bed.

Joyce dug her nails into Hopper's shoulder as he swept her off her feet unannounced and sat her in the bed. As everyone ran inside, Jamie stayed behind and took the initiative to take the keys out of the ignition.

"Here, you need to put these on", the nurse said to Hopper as they both ran along side Joyce's bed with a set of scrubs.

Hopper took the scrubs and started putting them on when the girls finally caught up to them with all of the bags.

"Do we get a pair too?", El asked in the midst of the frenzy.

"No children in the delivery room", the OB responded rather rudely.

"Who are you calling a child?!", Jamie butted in defensively which earned an immediate annoyed look from her father.

The OB immediately scrunched his eyebrow at Jamie in utter confusion. Hopper immediately left Joyce's side and took both of the girls' shoulder in each of his hands and led them to the nearest waiting area.

"Just wait here and then they'll let you know when you come in", he responded nicely which was directed towards El.

"Wait here?!—-", Jamie interrupted once again.

"Do not cause a scene in this god damned hospital because I'll hand your ass back to you when I get back here", Hopper whispered through gritted teeth while inches away from Jamie's face.

"This isn't fair I got to go back there when Sarah was born—"

"I don't care what happened with Sarah! You need to let it go! She's dead!", he responded out of frustration with slightly raised voice.

Jamie breathed heavily in his face as he slowly stood up straight. She immediately turned her back towards him to hide her growing red eyes. El sat down in the chair and dropped Sammy's leash as he went over to Jamie to comfort her.

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