37. Revenge

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After quickly dropping Jenn off at home, Steve thanked the Gods above as he quietly approached the Byers home and saw that the blazer was no where to be found. He killed the engine and quietly opened the back door. As he pulled Jamie upright, she weakly clutched his shirt to hold her weight.

"Steve", Jamie said weakly.

"Yeah. We're home so just be quiet while I get you inside, alright?", he said as he picked her up bridal style and walked up to the front door.

"Steve", Jamie repeated as she felt a sourness working its way up her throat.

"Jamie, shhh before you get us cau- Aghhh!", he nearly shouted as Jamie threw up on him as El opened the front door.

"What are you doing?", El whispered with a congested and reddish nose.

El scrunched her face and covered her nose as if she could smell anything as is and stood to the side while Steve entered. Steve tip toed past Joyce who still slept on the couch and carried Jamie to the bedroom.

El locked the door as she watched Steve strip Jamie of her soiled under shirt leaving her laying there in her bra, and then watched him take off his own shirt. Sammy raised his head as Steve threw Jamie's shirt on his head.

"What the f-, when you'd guys get a dog?", he asked.

"Today. Is she.. okay?", El responded as she looked at Jamie.

"Not if Hopper see's. Help me", Steve said as he started pulling off Jamie's shoes.

"She'll sleep it off and have a massive headache in the morning, but that's besides the point", he continued as El grabbed a pair of Jamie's pajamas and started dressing her sister. "I really need to tell you something about Da-", he started to explain and stopped as they both heard the floorboard creek.

El and Steve both looked at each other as the footsteps approached the bedroom door.

Joyce pushed the bedroom door open slowly to find El standing in the middle of the floor with a shirt in her hand. Joyce scrunched her nose at the smell and looked around the room.

"What's that god awful smell?", she said while covering her nose.

"I.. I threw up. I'm cleaning it up now."

"Aw, sweetie. Are you still feeling terrible?", Joyce said as she started to enter the room.

"No wait! I uh, I dont wanna get you sick. It could be the flu."

Joyce held her hands up in surrender and backed out of the room. She placed her hand on the knob and slowly pulled the door closed without taking another look inside.

Steve finally released a breath as he moved from his position behind the door. He grabbed his soiled shirt and didn't hesitate as he climbed over Jamie on the bed and lifted the window.

"What are you doing?!", El whispered.

"I'm getting the hell up outta here before Hop comes home", Steve replied as he stuck a foot out the window.

El shook her head as she watched him climb out the window and run around the side of the house to his car. She sat up on her knees and closed the window as Joyce suddenly opened the bedroom door.

"Who was that?", Joyce asked as she stepped inside and looked around the room.

"Who was what?"

"Hm... I thought I heard someone", she said with a yawn. As she started to close the door again, Joyce did a double take and saw Jamie's arm sticking out from under the covers.

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