55. Recollection

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TW: suicidal actions but nothing explicit

*Edited the ending to place the kids at the festival rather than the mall*

~ Flashback to what happened after Chapter 51~

Jamie walked ahead of Hop in the parking lot in the direction of where Steve was parked. Steve looked up from his phone and saw him trailing behind her.

"What the actual f-", he mouthed to her as she approached the car.

"Hey", Hop called out to her. "I want you to ride with me."

Jamie turned without saying a word and headed toward the blazer instead while Hop adressed Steve.

Jamie got in and sat in the back seat. Hop got in and looked at her through the rear view and decided not to say anything as he started the engine.

Steve trailed behind them on the long ride back to Hawkins. After driving almost 45 minutes in silence, Joyce called which prompted him to turn down the radio.

"Well I didnt think it would bother her too much but you know sometimes feelings are hard, especially during this age", Joyce said.

"Yeah, well", Hop said softly. "She's a piece of shit, and Jai knows that."

"Yeah well we're her family now. I don't how someone can still... love someone after the shit she's put that child through. I mean really, come on? The bitch doesn't care about her own child and I can't even begin to talk about David-"

Jamie punched the headrest of the seat in front of her at Joyce's words. Hop slightly jumped and looked at her through the rear view mirror.

"What was that?", Joyce asked.

When Hop didn't respond, she continued to speak.

"I just could never. I couldn't even imagine doing something like that to my boys let alone my girls. I mean, El, Grace, and the boys- "

Jamie punched the headrest again, then again, and again.

"Hey!", Hop said dividing his focus between the road and her.

Jamie started to rage and started kicking the seat in front of her & throwing whatever she could lay her hands on.

"HEY!", he shouted louder, but then caught himself. "I know you're upset, but you need to calm down. If you want me to pull over-"

All of a sudden, the accelerometer started reaching upwards of 80 and Hop noticed Steve struggling to keep up in the distance.

"Hey! Cut it out! Are you outta your fucking mind?!", he shouted at her.

Jamie continued to push the speed to 90.

"LET GO!", he shouted while pressing the brakes which were useless.

"NO! IT'S NOT FAIR!", she finally responded.



As they neared a 45 mph curve pushing 90, Hop did a quick maneuver that caused Jamie to fall over losing her balance and focus. He finally slammed on the brakes, parked on the shoulder, and caught his breath.

After coming to his senses, he quickly got out and pulled her out of the car by her collar and pinned her against the blazer.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCKS GOTTEN IN TO YOU, BUT IM TWO SECONDS AWAY FROM BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!", he shouted on the side of the road with his finger inches from her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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