54. Jealousy

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Jamie laid blind folded in the back seat of the blazer with most of her upper body resting on Joyce's lap. She held onto Joyces hand as well as Hopper's who had his arm stretched towards the back seat for her comfort.

Joyce nervously bounced her leg as she used her free hand to apply pressure to Jamie's leg while watching Hopper trail behind Steve's car. Hopper pulled his hand away to grab his vibrating phone which almost set of a chain reaction when Jamie sat up and reached around blindly for his hand.

"Dad?! What's going on? What's happening?!", she asked in a panic.

Joyce almost instinctively reached for the syringe, but caught herself after quickly reassessing the situation.

"Jai, it's okay. I'm still here. I just got a phone call. Everything's alright", he quickly responded.

Joyce eased Jamie back down onto her lap and rested her arm across Jamie's chest. She looked over at her leg as Jamie held onto her arm for dear life, and then looked at Hopper through the rearview mirror.

"Yeah, I'll be there in 2 seconds", Hopper said before hanging up and reaching backwards for Jamie's hand.

"It's okay", Joyce whispered to him as the two made brief eye contact.

"Is he coming?", Jamie asked.

"Yes, he's coming. I just need you to keep calm and preserve your energy, okay. Also, remember it's important that you let us know if you feel like-"

"I'm gonna pass out", she interrupted.

Joyce quickly lifted Jamie from her lap and eased her down on the seat. She cracked the windows to let fresh air in and reached down on the floor to grab the bottle of water.

As the car came to an abrupt stop, Jamie's limp body nearly fell off the seat before Joyce grabbed her.

"Jesus, Jim", Joyce grunted as he came around to open the door. "Hurry, lets get her inside", she continued as everyone rushed over to the car.

Steve led the way and went to knock on the front door as it opened.

"Oh my god. Is she okay?", a young voice asked.

Going unanswered, Joyce was the last to trail in behind Hop and Owens and finally acknowledged the teen.

"Robin? Hi, good to see you! Thanks for lending us your home, sweetie", she quickly said, squeezing the girls arm.

"Um yeah no worries you guys can actually use the garage or wherever you need—", Robin offered while watching Hop and Owens lay Jamie on the dining table.

She raised an eyebrow as they had no regards for her mothers holiday China on the table and slightly jumped at the sounds of the glass breaking as they threw everything on to the floor.

"Sorry, I need the light", Owens apologized.

"Yeah no worries", she responded confusingly as Steve stood by her side.

"What the heck is going on exactly?", she whispered to him.

"Look, it's a long story", he responded grabbing her wrist and heading somewhere quiet.

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