1. Going Home

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It hurts.

Jamie thought to herself as she locked her door and layed down onto her bed, hot tears starting to stream down her face. Everything does. Her sisters death. Her parents divorce. Her mom remarrying that asshole. Her mom pushing her dad away. The arguments. The physical abuse from David that her mom denies. Not being allowed to see her father. Just everything.

Jamie sniffles and walks over to her dresser. She looks at her reflection in the mirror and winces and she moves her shirt to reveal the purple bruise at the edge of her collar bone that wasn't there 10 minutes ago. Jamie lets out a sigh.

"This can not keep happening", she whispers to herself.

She glances over at the picture of her, Sarah, and her dad. She knows that both the people she loved the most would be upset to find out that she wasn't speaking up about the abuse. She used to be so strong, quick at the mouth, and VERY outspoken. Something she got from her dad. A knock at the door caught her attention as she stood hovering over the picture of her broken family.

"Hey, Jamie, Hun", Diane called out to her daughter from the other side of the door.

Jamie crept towards the door and leaned her ear against it as the carpet muffled her footsteps.

"Jamie, sweetie, please", Diane huffed. "David just got a little upset. He didn't mean to hurt you."

Jamie swung the door open in a heartbeat to reveal her mom with a shocked look on her face.

"This isn't the first time, mom. He always does this. ALWAYS! And you NEVER do anything about it!", Jamie screamed.

"Jamie, calm down! ", Diane screamed as David made his way to Jamie's bedroom door.

"W-what the fuck is g-going on?!", David slurred as he waved his beer bottle trying to seperate Diane and Jamie.

"Nothing Hun, I-I was just trying to see if Jamie was okay...", Diane mumbled.

Truth be told, ever since Diane divorced Jim and found David, she always looked to David to pick up the broken pieces. David was her silver lining after everything that went on with Sarah. David had it all. Money, a big house, and no children. It wasn't until after David convinced Diane to move in with him and to quit her job did he start showing his true colors— to Jamie at least.

"Oh, is little Baby Jai upset now?", David said mockingly as he pinched Jamie's cheeks.

"Dont fucking call me that", Jamie mumbled under her breath as she pulled away from David.

"What did you say to me?", David whispered dangerously close to Jamie's face.

"I said Dont. Fucking. Call. Me. That.", Jamie spit back as she clenched her teeth.

Baby Jai was the nickname her father gave her, and only he called her that. Even though she hasn't really spoken to him in roughly five years, that name was still reserved for her father and her father only.

This was it. The last straw. David flipped his shit as he reached forward and grabbed Jamie by the throat, pushing her head into the door and screamed in her face.

"Watch what the fuck you say to me you little piece of shit. Im not your fucking daddy!"

"Mom!", Jamie winced in pain as she screamed for her mother's help.

Diane stood there. Frozen. Diane was too afraid to intervene once things went to far. That's how most of the bruises on Jamie's body came to be. Either one of them pushing the other too far over the edge until one of them snaps. Diane was too afraid to get on David's bad side. If he threw her out, her and Jaime would have nowhere to go. Diane doesn't know how long she can pretend to not see the bruises on her daughter until someone eles notices and reports it.

Diane grabs a hold of David's face and looks him into his eyes. "Let her go, please."

After an intense stare down, David loosens his grip as Jamie falls to the floor heaving while clenching her chest. Diane rushes David into their bedroom as muffled screams can be heard amongst the two. Jamie makes her way to her night stand and pulls herself up as she quickly rummages through the junky drawer. Jamie rolls her eyes in relief as she finds her inhaler. Taking two long puffs, Jamie rests her back against the wall and counts to herself in between breaths, just like her father taught her.


Her count being interrupted by Diane reappering in the doorway. "Jamie, I think it's best that you stay at Stacey's tonight. You know, until things calm down over here."

Jamie smirked, "So, I'm your daughter and you're putting me out? Sounds about right. Sure. No problem there whatsoever Mom."

Diane just sighed as she wrapped her robe tighter around her body and made her way back to her bedroom.

Jamie pulled her small overnight bag from under her bed and threw random clothes in there that she could throw on for the next day. That is, until she got a brilliant idea. Jamie layed across the bed and reached inbetween the bedframe and the wall and grabbed her journal. She quickly flipped through the pages until she found the page she was looking for covered in Purple Ink. She quickly glanced back at the door and then back down to her journal. Jamie grabbed a little bit more than the essentials, snacks from the kitchen, and snagged some money from her mom's purse before heading out the door.

She had a long trip ahead of her and if she wanted to make it to the station on time for the last train, she needed to haul ass or find a ride.

After almost a 45 minute walk to the train station, Jamie sat down and put on her headphones as she awaited her train.

"All aboard train #4382 New York City to Indianapolis, Indiana", the conductor announced over the PA system.

Jamie let out a deep breath before mumbling to herself as she boarded the train and stared out the window.

"I'm coming, daddy."

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