41. Gender Reveal pt 1

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Owens came over early to drop a document off to Jonathan and to take Will to school for Joyce who decided to pick up a few hours at Melvalds to get herself out of the house. Joyce left Jonathan 'in charge' Hopper who needed to rest, and to also make sure that he didn't try to leave the house.

Jonathan knocked on Jamie's door who was still buried somewhere under the mountain of pillows and covers. He saw the mound shift a little bit, so he knocked harder.

"Rise and shine!", he said cheerfully.

Jamie lifted her head and quickly dropped it back down as the light from outside blinded her

"I don't have school anymore, remember?", she groaned.

"I know. It's also almost 1:00, but that's not the reason I came in here. We gotta go get the supplies."


"Yeah. Owens is leaving it to us to get the supplies for the gender reveal."

Jamie's head popped up from under the covers as El appeared in the doorway.

"Gender reveal?", she asked, now sitting up in the bed and swinging her legs over.

"Yes! Come on! I'm gonna be a big sister!", El shouted as she pulled Jamie's arm and dragged Jamie out of bed.

Luckily Jamie still had her hoodie and sweatpants on, because El literally dragged her to the front door to where her shoes were. Jonathan laughed watching the two, and opened the front door.

Hopper's face appeared from the dark bedroom as he cracked the door open and stuck his head out into the hallway.

"Where are you going?", he asked, looking at El.

"I was just gonna... go with them to the store", she responded quietly.

"With that hickey on your neck? Nah, I don't think so."

Jonathan and Jamie's smiles dropped as they looked over at El. El fiddled with her shirt as she stood near the door and kicked off her shoes.

"It's okay, El. You're still gonna help with the decorations", Jamie said placing her hand on Jamie's arm.

Jamie nearly had to look away as memories of her comforting Sarah came to mind. She smiled and then headed out the door behind Jonathan who slid across the hood of his car to the driver's side.

Jamie raised an eyebrow as she got inside and laughed to herself.

"El", Hopper called out from somewhere near the back of the house. "Come on, let's get some work done."

El rolled her eyes as she closed the door once they pulled off. She walked towards the back of the house to find the back door open and rolled her eyes again.

It didn't take long to reach the party store, but the drive would've been even shorter had Jamie not seen the 50 cent hot chocolate sign being advertised in the window of a nearby ice cream parlor. Jonathan pulled into the parking lot of the party store, put the car in park, and reached for the envelope on the back seat. He opened the folder and slowly pulled the black and white picture out. He held it upside down, and then turned it right side up.

"What is it?!", Jamie said exicitingly as she leaned in and pulled the sonogram towards her.

The two of them sat there in confusion as they tried to figure out what the gender was. Jamie was first to spot it and covered her mouth as she gasped. She pointed at the black and white image, causing Jonathan to gasp a few seconds later.

"Poor dad", Jamie said jokingly with a sigh. "All he wanted was a boy."

"Well, on the bright side at least mom got her girl so someone's happy", Johnathan chuckled as he put the image back into the folder.

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