Chapter 7.1

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Chapter 7

The Hogwarts Express slowed to a stop on a platform lined with red brick buildings. The coaches' doors opened simultaneously and students of all years spilled from the train and filled the platform. James, Nate, and Teddy made their way onto the deck and glanced at their surroundings. "Hogsmeade Station" was what the golden placard nailed to the brick wall of the main building read. It was a small station, definitely not even close to the size and grandeur of Kings Cross back in London, but James liked the quaint feel. There was a slight chill in the air and that, coupled with the aesthetics of the station, made him feel like he's in the movie Polar Express. The platform just about spanned the length of the train with bright lamps illuminating the way. One end extended to a cobble-stoned road which led to, what James could tell, a clearing in the dense forest next to the station. The other end extended to a small walkway heading toward lower ground.

Older students with their House emblems embroidered on their robes immediately turned to the road and started walking towards the forest clearing. Just as the boys were about to follow, a booming voice stopped them in their tracks and a big, hulking, giant of a man came strutting into view with a lamp dangling from his hand. James' eyes widened as they travelled the length of the man. He was, without a doubt, the tallest and largest person James had ever laid eyes on. He had wild, curly black hair down to his broad shoulders and an equally wild and curly beard. He had on a brown fur coat reaching his calves (with so many pockets, James noted) and black leather boots.

"It's Hagrid!!" Nate whispered, looking at the man with a smiling face. James noted that Teddy was also looking at him in the same manner.

"You know him?" James asked hesitantly.

The two boys nodded affirmative. "He's a family friend," Teddy explained.

"Firs' years, firs' years - this way!" Hagrid boomed. The stunned first years, with their eyes wide open half in awe and half in fear, cautiously approached him. Teddy and Nate dragged James to the front of the crowd and beamed at Hagrid. James had never felt so small before as he looked up at the tall figure. It didn't escape his notice when Hagrid winked at Nate and Teddy standing beside him. "M'name's Hagrid, Rubeus Hagrid, and I'm the Keeper of Keys and Care of Magical Creatures professor 'ere at Hogwarts," Hagrid introduced himself with a gigantic smile. James was surprised to learn that he's a professor, and wondered how he's able to fit his large frame inside a classroom. "Follow me this way and mind yer step - we're heading to the dock."    

Hagrid led the way down to the cobblestoned path, the group of eager first years scurrying behind. Every step Hagrid took was like three steps combined for the students and they all had to hurry to keep pace with the man.  All of their trunks and even their pets were left on the train and James wondered who will have the mammoth task of doing the unloading.

Soon down the path, Hagrid slowed his walking and James felt that he's no longer on stone ground but rough wood. He saw that they were walking on a long dock with multiple wooden boats tied to either side. On each boat was a small oil lamp but James realized there were no oars. From behind Hagrid, James could glimpse that they were in an inlet. The moon shone down on clusters of tall coniferous trees on land extending past the dock. In the middle, the small little inlet where they were extended into a vast body of water. James couldn't glimpse the land on the other side, perhaps because it was so dark, but the calmness of the water assured him it was a lake instead of the open sea.

Hagrid slowed to a halt and turned around to face the eager first years. "We'll be ridin' these boats here to get to the castle," he said, gesturing his large hand to the boats tied to the dock. "Three or four to a boat please, and try not to fall into the water. You don't wanna be sopping wet during the Sorting, now, would you?" Hagrid said with a booming laugh.

James, Nate, and Teddy made their way onto a boat and carefully got inside. James thought that the paddles were simply hidden from view whilst he was on the dock but there really weren't any at all. "There are no paddles here - how're we going to move?" He whispered to his companions. Teddy and Nate simply shrugged for they didn't know either. Not knowing what else to do, James simply grabbed the oil lamp from the floor of the boat and held it on his lap.

Soon, all of the first years were boarded. Satisfied that there were no stragglers and no one he needed to pluck from the water, Hagrid boarded his own boat at the very end of the dock. James was still waiting on instructions from Hagrid on how they were to row the boat to wherever the school was, but none came. There were no instructions necessary, it seemed, since the boats started to move by themselves.

James felt his eyes widen. He glanced at Nate and Teddy and saw that they, too, were looking wildly around the boat to see how it was moving. Gasps and yelps from the other first years floated to James' ears and he felt a bit of comfort that he wasn't alone in his surprise. From the front of the moving boats Hagrid turned around and regarded the first years with a beaming smile. Just as the caravan of boats left the inlet and turned to the east, Hagrid's booming voice travelled through the group. "Don't you worry now - it's all magic. And... welcome to Hogwarts."       

There on the cliffs towering over the giant man, James could see a magnificent castle. "Amazing," he heard Teddy breathed in a whisper next to him and all he could was nod. It was an amazing sight indeed, probably one of the most amazing things James had ever seen in all his eleven years of life. The castle was enormous with tall spires and spiraling towers and James could bet it was equally as large underground. Bright light shone from its many windows adding to the multitude of stars twinkling in the night sky.

The castle rested atop a staggering cliff, and James could see in the distance that stairs carved out of the rock extended down the cliff to a small dock. A hushed silence fell over the first years as the boats made their way towards the cliff edge. Magic carefully guided the boats to the dock and the castle loomed above.

Once the boats were safely moored, Hagrid disembarked first and waited for his charge. The students followed his lead and stepped off the boat. Gesturing to the stone steps behind him leading up to the castle, Hagrid said, "We're almost there. Mind yer steps please."

Turning around, he led the students up the steps and into Hogwarts.


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