Chapter 7.6

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If eleven year old Harry Potter was told that he'd be conversing with his Potions professor in the future, as a colleague, about the uses of potions in his very specialized line of work, he'd have called them mad. But here Harry found himself doing just that as he and Severus Snape talked about the Stellaserum potion which, once drank, would give its drinkers the ability to see in the dark.

Harry Potter and Severus Snape had formed a camaraderie over the years following the War and Harry truly believed they would not have won if not for the potionmaster's infiltration of the Death Eater ranks. An ugly scar mars the inside of Snape's left forearm where the Dark Mark had once been, and it served as a constant reminder of what he'd endured and done for the good. After the battle and rebuilding of Hogwarts, Snape chose to stay in his position as Potions professor and it was quite an interesting few months when Sirius Black joined the faculty as the Defence teacher. The two were still at loggerheads with each other despite fighting on the same side just months prior, but when Sirius came back for his second year of teaching they found a way to tolerate one another. Harry, meanwhile, was climbing the ranks of the Auror. When a mission required a complex brew of polyjuice to allow the drinker a full week of disguise with only one dose, the Hogwarts potionmaster was consulted by Harry's squad. Since then, Snape had been consulted by the Gryphons for potion related items and he and Harry had formed a friendship and mutual respect for each other's crafts.

Near the end of the feast, Snape excused himself from the conversation and left for his office to finish preparing for tomorrow's lessons. Harry's eyes swept over the Great Hall and landed on the three boys consisting of his godsons and their friend. Deciding it's best to greet the boys, he stood from his seat and made his way to the middle of the Gryffindor table where the three were seated. He could feel multiple sets of eyes on his back as he walked and Harry let out a sigh. It's been years since The Defeat and his secret missions rarely made it to the papers, but still he's famous, or rather, infamous. He had gotten used to it over the years but he can't help but long for normalcy.

Nate, Teddy, and their new friend were in the middle of a conversation about their upcoming classes when he walked up behind them.

"You mean to say you've read all of your Hogwarts books already?!" Nate asked the other boy with his eyes wide.

The boy, Daniel James, nodded his head with a shrug. "I've always loved reading."

"Well how come you didn't know about Quidditch then?!"

Daniel James smiled sheepishly. "There was no book on Quidditch that mum and I bought."

Harry decided to interject then. "If you want to read about Quidditch, I highly suggest Quidditch Through the Ages by Kennilworthy Whisp."

Three heads turned around and looked at him. A set of blue eyes and a set of gold eyes shone with brightness as the set of brown eyes looked at him plainly. There was no awe or surprise or even recognition in those brown orbs and Harry's mouth curved up briefly.

"Uncle Harry!" Teddy exclaimed before biting his lip. "Um, I mean Professor Potter. Hello, sir."

Harry grinned as he looked at his two godsons. "Teddy, Nate, I know this is a surprise but my accepting of this position was rather last minute. I haven't told your dads yet."

Nate nodded his head furiously. "I knew it. Dad didn't say anything to me this morning. Say, Professor Potter, is it okay we tell them?"

Harry smiled and nodded his head. "Absolutely, I was going to owl them myself but feel free to do the honours. I know it might be strange at first that I'll be teaching here, but I really hope we can work it out. It's important that you call me Professor while in school though, but 'Uncle Harry' can be used when we're out of school walls... like the Quidditch pitch." Harry said with a wink.

Teddy and Nate grinned at him and nodded their heads.

Nate, remembering his newest friend hasn't yet been introduced or even know who Harry Potter was, clasped James' shoulder.

"Professor Potter, this is James Watson."

After being introduced, James stood up from the long chair and extended a hand for a shake like he was taught by his mum. "I'm Daniel James Watson, though I go by James. It's nice to meet you, Professor Potter."

Harry looked at the boy with his tall but thin frame, tousled black hair, and familiar brown eyes. This boy kept surprising him. It's clear James had no idea who he was, and that tells Harry he's a Muggleborn who likely learned of his magical heritage later in life. But from what Harry has heard of conversations between this boy and his godsons, James seemed to be quite a keen reader and Harry could tell he has great potential for doing well in classes. The boy's mannerisms surprised him as well. He was laid back, observing, but definitely not shy as proven by his outstretched hand. There's a quiet confidence in the boy that Harry admired.

Harry stretched his hand and grasped the boy's. James clasped his hand firmly and Harry returned his handshake equally as strong.

"I'm Harry Potter. It's a pleasure to meet you, James."  

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