Chapter 9.2

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It was 8am when Nate and Teddy finally joined James for breakfast. They weren't quite awake yet and flopped on either side of James without saying a thing. Clearly his new friends weren't morning persons. Since James had already finished breakfast, he had his Transfiguration book in front of him and he watched Nate and Teddy pile food onto their plates. After taking a couple spoonfuls, Nate and Teddy finally mumbled their good mornings.

"Well good morning to you too." James answered with a smirk and flipped his textbook.

"How can you be so bright and cheerful at this godforsaken hour?" Nate asked in disbelief.

James just shrugged. "Mum's a morning person. Guess I got it from her."

"Mr. Lupin, Mr. Watson, Mr. Weasley - good morning. Here are your class schedules." They heard from the side. Turning their heads, they saw Professor McGonagall with slips of paper floating beside her. At her words, three zoomed in front of each of the boys and lowered to the table. "I expect to see you three in Transfiguration on time." With a nod, she continued on her way down the Gryffindor table.

James picked up his schedule and read.


First: Transfiguration

Third: Defence Against the Dark Arts

Fifth: Flying


First/Second: Potions

Third: Charms

Fourth: History of Magic

Fifth: Herbology


First: Transfiguration

Second: Charms

Third: Defence Against the Dark Arts

Fourth: Care of Magical Creatures

Fifth: Flying


First/Second: Potions

Third: Charms

Fourth: Herbology

Night: Astronomy


First: Transfiguration

Third: Defence Against the Dark Arts

Fourth: Care of Magical Creatures

Nate groaned. "Double potions on the mornings of Tuesdays and Thursdays?!"

Teddy could only shrug. "At least our afternoons are more fun."

"Of course you would think classes are fun."

James shook his head as the two boys began to bicker over their meals. Tuning them out, he continued his reading of Emeric Switch's A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration. "When Transfiguring, it is important to make firm and decisive wand movements. Do not wiggle or twirl your wand unnecessarily, or the Transfiguration will certainly be unsuccessful..."


Up at the Head Table, Professor McGonagall took her seat on the deputy's chair next to Dumbledore's after finishing distributing the Gryffindors' class schedules. Dumbledore gave her a nod and a smile and continued eating his usual breakfast consisting of cereal and toast with marmalade.

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